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Our Governance

UCD Sustainability has been established to foster a whole of institution approach to sustainability and maximise UCD’s wider impact.

UCD Governance and Management Structures for Sustainability

Professor Tasman Crowe is UCD’s Vice-President for Sustainability. Professor Crowe is a member of the University Management Team (UMT) and is responsible for delivering on the university’s sustainability objectives. 

The UCD Sustainability Unit has been established to foster and enable a whole of institution approach to sustainability and will lead the development and implementation of UCD’s Sustainability Action Plan to achieve UCD’s sustainability objectives.. 

A UMT Sustainability sub-group (UMT SUS) has been established to oversee and advise on the work of the Sustainability Unit and to ensure the promotion, communication, and mainstreaming of sustainability within and outside UCD (see Terms of Reference).

To cultivate a whole of institution approach to sustainability, UCD Sustainability also encompasses a set of Sustainability Core Working Groups to research, consult and make recommendations for action in relation to:

  • Education, training and the student experience;
  • Research, innovation and impact;
  • Operational integration;
  • SDG engagement and impact.

UCD Sustainability is also committed to working with and supporting a number of established groups including UCD Smarter Travel, the UCD Sustainable Research Initiative, the UCD Sustainable Energy Community, (opens in a new window)UCD Green Campus and Healthy UCD.

UCD Sustainability

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: vpsustainability@ucd.ie