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What do vice principals for teaching and learning do?

Vice-principals for teaching & learning play a high-level role in:

  • Enhancing university education quality and supporting student learning
  • Guiding college and school based teaching & learning initiatives
    • Chairing Teaching and Learning Committees in their respective colleges
    • Reviewing new and ongoing educational trends and developments
    • Highlighting teaching excellence and promoting innovation with a range of awards and grants
    • Linking all aspects of student education by focusing on learning outcomes and developing transferable skills in line with best practice
  • Shaping university policy & strategy – by collaborating closely with each other and at
    • University level through the University Teaching and Learning Committee, chaired by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies
    • College and school level with College Principals, Deans/Programme Deans, Directors of Graduate Schools, Heads of Schools and School Heads of Teaching and Learning  
  • Developing & implementing the Teaching & Learning annual work programme working together with the Registrar and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies in collaboration with UCD Teaching and Learning 
  • Representing UCD at a range of teaching & learning fora both nationally (HEA, DRHEA, UCD-TCD alliance), and internationally (U21 and international conferences) 
Dr Siobhan Donovan

Dr Siobhan Donovan

College of Arts and Humanities

Assoc Prof Paul Ryan

Assoc Prof Paul Ryan

College of Business

Assoc Prof Jennifer Keenahan

Assoc Prof Jennifer Keenahan

College of Engineering & Architecture

Assoc Prof Jonathan McNulty

Assoc Prof Jonathan McNulty

College of Health and Agricultural Sciences

Dr Gavin Stewart

Dr Gavin Stewart

College of Science

Professor Suzanne Guerin

Professor Suzanne Guerin

College of Social Sciences and Law

Assoc Prof Henry McLoughlin

Assoc Prof Henry McLoughlin

UCD China Joint Colleges