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School heads of teaching and learning

Each school is represented by a school head of teaching and learning or an associate dean for teaching and learning at their respective college teaching and learning committee. In addition they meet as a group twice per trimester (in T1 and T2) to address issues and share developments in teaching and learning across the University. The discussions and outcomes of these meetings impact on university policy and the teaching and learning work programme. School level appointments to these roles are made by the head of school.  For more information on the principal duties and responsibilities of school heads of teaching and learning, consult the School Head of Teaching and Learning - Role Descriptor updated in 2018.

The school heads of teaching and learning are listed below:

School Name Email Address
Clinton Institute for American Studies Dr Eugenio Lilli eugenio.lilli@ucd.ie
School of Art History and Cultural Policy Prof Kathleen James Chakraborty kathleen.jameschakraborty@ucd.ie
School of Classics Dr Christopher Farrell christopher.farrell@ucd.ie
School of English, Drama and Film Dr Tupur Chattopadhyay tupur.chattopadhyay@ucd.ie
School of History Assoc Prof Fionnuala Walsh fionnuala.walsh@ucd.ie
School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Irish Folklore

Dr Fintan Keegan

Dr Jamie Murphy



School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics

Dr Katherine Brown

School of Music Assoc Prof Jaime Jones jaime.jones@ucd.ie


Subject Area 
Accounting                                                      Dr Sean O'Reilly sean.oreilly@ucd.ie
Banking and Finance Dr Vassilios Papavassiliou vassilios.papavassiliou@ucd.ie
HRM/ER Dr Steven McCartney steven.mccartney@ucd.ie
Management Dr Brian McGrath brian.mcgrath@ucd.ie
Marketing Dr Geertje Schuitema geertje.schuitema@ucd.ie
MIS Assoc Prof Peter Keenan peter.keenan@ucd.ie


School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy Ms Alice Clancy alice.clancy@ucd.ie
School of Biosystems and Food Engineering Professor Enda Cummins enda.cummins@ucd.ie
School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Dr Ioscani Jimenez Del Val ioscani.jimenezdelval@ucd.ie
School of Civil Engineering Assoc Prof PJ Purcell pj.purcell@ucd.ie
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dr John Healy john.healy@ucd.ie
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Dr Kevin Nolan kevin.nolan@ucd.ie



Subject Area
School of Agriculture and Food Science Assoc Prof Sharleen O'Reilly sharleen.oreilly@ucd.ie
School of Medicine

Assoc Prof Shane Foley

Assoc Prof Suzanne  Donnelly



School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems Dr Michael Connolly michael.connolly@ucd.ie
School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science Dr Carla Perrotta carla.perrotta@ucd.ie
School of Veterinary Medicine Dr Susan Rackard sue.rackard@ucd.ie


Subject Area
School of Biology and Environmental Science Prof Paul McCabe paul.mccabe@ucd.ie
School of Biomolecular & Biomedical Science Prof Geraldine Butler gbutler@ucd.ie
School of Chemistry Dr Robert Johnson robert.johnson@ucd.ie
School of Computer Science Mr John Dunnion john.dunnion@ucd.ie
School of Earth Sciences Dr Lawrence Amy lawrence.amy@ucd.ie
School of Mathematics and Statistics Dr Conor Sweeney conor.sweeney@ucd.ie
School of Physics Dr Tom McCormack tom.mccormack@ucd.ie



Subject Area
School of Archaeology Assoc Prof Meriel McClatchie meriel.mcclatchie@ucd.ie
School of Economics Assoc Prof Orla Doyle econteaching@ucd.ie
School of Education Dr Huichao Xie huichao.xie@ucd.ie
School of Geography Assoc Prof Gerald Mills   gerald.mills@ucd.ie
School of Information & Communication Studies Dr Judith Wusteman judith.wusteman@ucd.ie
School of Law Assoc Prof TJ McIntyre tj.mcintyre@ucd.ie
School of Philosophy Dr Tim Crowley

Prof James O'Shea



School of Politics & International Relations Assoc Prof Alexander Dukalskis  alexander.dukalskis@ucd.ie
School of Psychology Assoc Prof Ciara Greene ciara.greene@ucd.ie
School of Sociology Dr Alexander Kondakov alexander.kondakov@ucd.ie
School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice Dr Joseph Mooney joseph.mooney1@ucd.ie