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Morbi risus in enim dis nibh malesuada ac adipiscing ultrices vivamus scelerisque bibendum a elit parturient arcu vestibulum rutrum semper. Sociosqu ullamcorper proin class vehicula vestibulum aptent risus dis a sed at quis ridiculus ullamcorper libero felis justo himenaeos at velit litora. Vestibulum lacinia blandit erat vestibulum sem mi interdum dictum ehicula vestibulum aptent risus.

This is a level 3 heading

Du diam rhoncus ornare in eleifend mus a diam vel suscipit nisl sed vestibulum a habitasse parturient a nam aliquet consequat lacus elementum suspendisse et ullamcorper consequat enim mus.Class malesuada fringilla malesuada mus ridiculus natoque netus tincidunt a nulla porta a proin ac commodo risus nisi a suspendisse adipiscing a pharetra inceptos condimentum montes.

This is a level 4 heading

  • Omnis dolor emporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis
  • Aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates
  • Molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente
  • Ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequ perferendis

Nulla sagittis est in mi. Cras vulputate dolor a metus. Pellentesque dapibus justo sit amet sem. Quisque tortor. Duis sit amet nisi. Integer in tellus. Mauris ornare erat id elit. Donec nisl risus, mattis ut, porttitor vitae, lobortis sagittis, lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla consectetuer, felis quis faucibus adipiscing, libero velit feugiat metus, ac ultrices sapien sem nec ligula.

Praesent neque tortor, placerat accumsan, imperdiet no iaculis at, mauris. In lacus quam, semper in, ullamcorper etia hendrerit id, pede. Nulla pretium sodales nunc.

Heading 3

  1. Aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates
  2. Molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente
  3. Ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequ perferendis

Morbi risus in enim dis nibh malesuada ac adipiscing ultrices vivamus scelerisque bibendum a elit parturient arcu vestibulum rutrum semper. Sociosqu ullamcorper proin class vehicula vestibulum aptent risus dis a sed at quis ridiculus ullamcorper libero felis justo himenaeos at velit litora. /teaching/t4media/google1f103d234d715556.html lacinia blandit erat vestibulum sem mi interdum dictum ehicula vestibulum aptent risus.


Account name Type Account number Date Trustworthiness Status
In hac habitasse platea dictumst Private 2134002434 10 October 2017 Sufficient Active
Mauris venenatis interdum Private 2134002434 10 October 2017 Sufficient Active
Aenean eleifend nibh at erat Private 2134002434 10 October 2017 Sufficient Active
Mauris venenatis interdum lectus Private 2134002434 10 October 2017 Sufficient Active

Resource Detail Title Heading 1 - 8th January 2020

Left Title test 8th January 2020

Right Title test 8th January 2020

Use diverse approaches over a programme

As assessment methods should align with your outcomes, then, for example, critical thinking outcomes should be supported by assessments that challenge students to demonstrate this, such as essays, debates, online discussion forums, etc. For more examples on alignment, see Matching Outcomes to Assessment Methods.

 Students should experience a range of assessments across a programme. The examination is a useful assessment approach and it is still used widely in UCD and nationally (National Forum, 2016), but it does not suit all learners.  Give some thought to whether there are other approaches you can use to assess student learning in your module, bearing in mind that too much assessment innovation can also be challenging for students. Here are some UCD T&L and National Forum resources on common assessment methods, i.e. 

Group Work and Its Assessment; An Introduction to Effective Poster Design and Production The Use of Concept Maps for Assessment; The Design of Multiple Choice Questions for Assessment; Dissertations/Masters Dissertations; Work-Based Assessment; Authentic Assessment.

Use diverse approaches over a programme

As assessment methods should align with your outcomes, then, for example, critical thinking outcomes should be supported by assessments that challenge students to demonstrate this, such as essays, debates, online discussion forums, etc. For more examples on alignment, see Matching Outcomes to Assessment Methods.

 Students should experience a range of assessments across a programme. The examination is a useful assessment approach and it is still used widely in UCD and nationally (National Forum, 2016), but it does not suit all learners.  Give some thought to whether there are other approaches you can use to assess student learning in your module, bearing in mind that too much assessment innovation can also be challenging for students. Here are some UCD T&L and National Forum resources on common assessment methods, i.e. 

Group Work and Its Assessment; An Introduction to Effective Poster Design and Production The Use of Concept Maps for Assessment; The Design of Multiple Choice Questions for Assessment; Dissertations/Masters Dissertations; Work-Based Assessment; Authentic Assessment.

Use diverse approaches over a programme

As assessment methods should align with your outcomes, then, for example, critical thinking outcomes should be supported by assessments that challenge students to demonstrate this, such as essays, debates, online discussion forums, etc. For more examples on alignment, see Matching Outcomes to Assessment Methods.

 Students should experience a range of assessments across a programme. The examination is a useful assessment approach and it is still used widely in UCD and nationally (National Forum, 2016), but it does not suit all learners.  Give some thought to whether there are other approaches you can use to assess student learning in your module, bearing in mind that too much assessment innovation can also be challenging for students. Here are some UCD T&L and National Forum resources on common assessment methods, i.e. 

Group Work and Its Assessment; An Introduction to Effective Poster Design and Production The Use of Concept Maps for Assessment; The Design of Multiple Choice Questions for Assessment; Dissertations/Masters Dissertations; Work-Based Assessment; Authentic Assessment.

Information for Students 

Student participation in projects is essential.

Students are eligible to apply as part of a team comprising a mix of UCD faculty or staff and students. Students are encouraged to approach UCD faculty or staff if they have a project idea or if they know of a faculty/staff member applying to the scheme, and would like to find out how to become involved in the project as a team member.

UCD faculty and staff contact details are available through the UCD Directory.

Review Panels

Each college will appoint a Review Panel to evaluate applications received from faculty/staff within their college. A Central Support Units Review Panel will also be established to evaluate applications from faculty/staff based in central support units. To support the local Review Panels with this task a rubric has been created against which all applications will be scored. Cross-disciplinary applications will be evaluated by each of the College Review Panels of the participating team members. 

College Review Panels will make recommendations to a University-level Oversight Group regarding applications to be funded in their College. The function of the University-level Oversight Group is to quality assure the process across all Colleges and to confirm funding awards. The decision of the Oversight Group will be final - there will be no appeals process. The University-level Oversight Group will comprise the following members:

  • Professor Marie Clarke, Dean of Undergraduate Studies (Chair)
  • One representative from each of the six College Review Panels
  • One representative from the Central Support Services Review Panel
  • Ms Aine Galvin, Director of UCD Teaching and Learning
  • Mr Brian Tracey, Education Officer, UCD Students’ Union
  • One External Reviewer (tbc)

Application Timeline

  • Notification of Results

    As the lecturer maintain a regular presence in the discussion forums, check the discussion forums on a regular basis to;

      • probe responses and provide encouragement
      • monitor student engagement and contributions 
      • prompt further discussion
      • keep students on topic (in academic and activity-specific discussion forums) 
      • guide students to further readings/resources and relevant content links



  • Call for Applications

    Wednesday 27th November 2019

  • Call for Applications Closes

    Midnight on Tuesday 7th January 2020

Evaluation Criteria

Your application will be evaluated against the following criteria:

1.      Alignment

  • Your project aligns to one or more of the National Forum strategic priorities

2.      Project rationale and , objectives and expected outputs

  • Your project addresses an issue of importance within your discipline or across disciplines authentic issue/challenge
  • Your project has clearly stated objectives and concrete outputs that add value

3.      Active student participation

  • Active and meaningful participation by students in the design and/or implementation of your project is clearly demonstrated

4.      Outputs and Impact  and legacy

  • Key project outputs are clearly articulated
  • Your project clearly demonstrates impact and benefit on the quality of teaching and learning
  • Project legacy is articulated in terms of what will change as a result of your project

5.      Feasibility and value for money

  • Implementation of your project is feasible within the timeframe and available resources
  • A clear and reasonable budget justification is provided

 A rubric will be used to review applications against these criteria.  

Summary of Important Information on this Funding Allocation

  1.  This scheme covers all UCD schools and units.
  2. Team and individual applications are welcome.
  3. Students are eligible to apply as part of a team comprising a mix of UCD faculty or staff and students. The principal applicant must be a member of UCD faculty or staff. Consent must be obtained prior to inclusion of team members in the application.
  4. Application forms must be complete. Do not exceed the specified word count or add supplementary information (including web-links) to this application form as it will not be considered by the Review Panel.
  5. Funding received under this scheme must be used for the project outlined in the application.
  6. Applicants may not apply under this scheme to reclaim expenditure for items/activities that have already taken place (i.e. before notification of the award).
  7. Successful applicants will be required to showcase and disseminate the approach taken and key outcomes from their project at a Teaching and Learning event(s) and through the development of a case study for publication on the UCD T&L website. 
  8. Successful applicants will be required to provide the full details of the budget spend signed off by their College Finance Officers. Auditable back-up documentation, including invoices, cost allocations, etc. must be maintained by all successful applicants.
  9. All funding must be spent by end December 2020. Any under-spend must be returned to the funder (i.e. HEA/National Forum) – this will be arranged by UCD Teaching & Learning.   
  10. The grant may be spent on equipment providing the total equipment spend does not exceed 20% of the overall project budget.
  11. Any equipment or software purchased with funding received through this scheme will remain the property of UCD.
  12. All resources generated by LEPs must be made available under creative commons licence.

Learning Enhancement Projects

Purpose and Description of the Funding Call 

Funding has been made available through the HEA and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning to stimulate and support small-scale local enhancement projects (LEPs), aligned to one or more of the strategic priorities set-out in the National Forum Strategy 2019-2021. The strategy identifies four priorities, which are described as follows:

  1. The professional development of all those who teach - Promoting evidence-based, flexible, inclusive professional development for all those who teach, reflecting the contextual needs and drivers within and across higher education institutions.
  2. Teaching and learning in a digital world - Supporting those who learn, teach, and support learning to embrace and harness the potential of digital technologies with the goal of enhancing learning, teaching, and overall digital capacity.
  3. Teaching and learning enhancement within and across disciplines - Recognising that disciplines are a key unit of change in higher education, with a focus on disciplinary excellence in learning, teaching and assessment.
  4. Student success - Developing a vision of success, in partnership with students, with the aim of providing all students with the opportunity to fulfil their potential and become creators of knowledge who are community engaged, ethically conscious, professionally competent and equipped to flourish in a global world.

Looking for Inspiration?

The scope of potential applications is broad, and applicants are encouraged to focus on projects that will deliver tangible benefits to students within their local context. Funding may be sought to address an existing challenge or opportunity, or it could be used to develop a solid foundation for a future enhancement initiative in teaching and learning. For some examples of possible LEP ideas go to our inspiration page.

Projects must be completed by end December 2020 and recipients of funding will be required to showcase and disseminate the approach taken and key outcomes from their project at a Teaching and Learning event(s) and through the development of a case study for publication on the UCD T&L website. 


Applications are invited from individuals and teams and must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Individual applicants must be a current member of UCD faculty or staff and must hold a UCD contract of employment for the duration of the award 

For team applications:

  • All team members must be currently employed by UCD or a UCD student
  • All team members must hold an employment contract (faculty/staff) for the duration of the award or be fully registered (students) at the time of application
  • The principal applicant must be a member of UCD faculty or staff.