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Tutor Induction Spring Trimester 2024/25

Tutor Induction Spring Trimester 2024/25
Event Date:
27th January 2025
11:00 AM
27th January 2025 1:00 PM
Room C005, Health Sciences Centre

The aim of this session is to support those new to or those wishing to refresh their tutorial and small group teaching skills.

A comprehensive Tutor Induction pack is provided and access to online resources. Please bring or have access to this on the day.

The session is designed to be interactive and reflect the approaches and methods one may use in a real tutorial or small group teaching session. On completion of this induction you should be able to:

  • Identify key communication techniques
  • Design an effective session for teaching undergraduates
  • Critically reflect on the role of the tutor / facilitator in small group teaching
  • Prepare a tutorial plan

 To book a place please follow the links below;

If you are a staff member please book http://bit.ly/Tutorinductionucdstaff

If you are a UCD student please book at http://bit.ly/Tutorinductionucdstudent

For more information on the workshop content contact: david.jennings@ucd.ie