- Event Date:
- 22nd May 2025
- Time:
- 2:00 PM
- Ends:
- 22nd May 2025 4:30 PM
- Location:
- Venue included in Research Career Events Calendar linked below
Title: Developing a Teaching Practice Portfolio: Professional Reflection & Design of Teaching and Learning Activities
In this workshop, participants will learn to develop a reflective approach to teaching practice. Participants will examine key educational theories and approaches including Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In this workshop participants will begin to develop a teaching practice portfolio.
On completion of this session you should be able to begin to:
1. Develop a reflective approach to one’s teaching practice.
2. Demonstrate an appreciation of Educational Theory and Universal Design.
3. Examine the relationship between teaching, learning and assessment and learning outcomes.
4. Build the fundamental elements of a professional teaching practice portfolio.
The audience for the seminar series is Post Doctoral Research Fellows (level 1 and level 2)
For admin queries in relation to the Post doctoral Practice Seminar Sessions please contact researchcareers@ucd.ie
For queries in relation to seminar content please contact Dr Sheena Hyland at sheena.hyland@ucd.ie
Registration to the series can be made via the Research Careers Events calendar. Attendance at all 3 sessions is required.