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Visiting Scholar Consultation Hours: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Instructor Wellness

Visiting Scholar Consultation Hours: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Instructor Wellness
Event Date:
2nd July 2024
11:00 AM
2nd July 2024 12:00 PM
F309 Newman Building

As a follow up to May 7th UCD Centre for the Study of Higher Education webinar "Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Instructor Wellness," co-facilitator Kaitlyn Farrell Rodriguez, PhD (Educational Consultant, University of Texas at Austin Center for Teaching and Learning) will be visiting UCD and holding consultation hours between 11:00 am -12:00 pm.

Instructors are warmly encouraged to stop by to discuss questions related to the intersection of artificial intelligence and wellness or collaboratively brainstorm next steps to mindfully revise sections of their assignment prompts or modules. Interested participants are encouraged to bring drafts or specific questions so that we may collaboratively consider how to apply AI or new instructional strategies to enhance both instructor and student wellness.

(Image Credit: AI Generated image via Copilot. Prompts: Create an abstract image for an event with this title: Visiting Scholar Consultation Hours: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Instructor Wellness).

To book please go to http://bit.ly/BookTLstaffevent.

Audience - Academics / Tutors / Post Docs / Support Units (e.g. Library, Registry, IT, Administrative staff etc) / Educational Technologists / Researchers / Others _ all welcome

Target Level – Introductory / Intermediate / Advanced _ all levels welcome