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Professional Qualifications in University T&L September start

Professional Qualifications in University T&L September start
Publication date:
20th February 2025
UCD Teaching & Learning

Applications are now open to the UCD Teaching and Learning Level 9 programmes starting in September 2025. The programmes are designed for eligible UCD faculty and academic-related staff teaching on a UCD academic programme of study:

  • Professional Certificate University Teaching & Learning (course code U005) - 15 ECTS
  • Certificate of Continuing Professional Development University Teaching and Learning (course code U006) - 7.5 ECTS

The programme fees are waived for eligible UCD faculty and staff. Apply online at www.ucd.ie/apply. Applications will close on 12th May 2025. Further information is also available on our Teaching and Learning website.

A suite of modules will be offered in each academic session, facilitating participants to choose in accordance with their interests and development needs. Participants typically undertake changes in their teaching resulting from what they have learnt and have reported noticeable improvements in their own students’ learning.

The modules available on the Programmes in the Autumn 2025 trimester are Reflective Practice in Teaching and Learning (formerly Becoming a Better University Teacher) (in person), Designing Curricula (online) and Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education (in person). The modules available in the Spring 2026 trimester are Active Learning with Technology (in person), Teaching across Cultures (in person) and Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education (online).

All of the UTL modules develop learners’ ability to apply theory to practice, to learn from peers and to support an evidence-based practice approach. The online modules will also provide experiences that develop learners’ online collaborations and interaction, digital literacy and skills, and participants will experience good online practices.

All modules are Level 9, 7.5 ECTS and all have the same student effort hours associated with them. All the modules are based on research-informed and experiential approaches to assist participants in widening their repertoire of teaching, learning and assessment strategies. 

However as participants have different contexts and learn in different ways the individual modules provide variety in their approaches, and so we would encourage participants to consider their own preferences in this regard. 

A Certificate of CPD University Teaching & Learning is awarded on successful completion of a single module (7.5 ECTS). The Professional Certificate is awarded to those candidates who successfully complete two modules. Upon completion of the Professional Certificate, two further modules can be undertaken for the award of a Professional Diploma, University Teaching and Learning, which carries a credit volume of 30 ECTS.

Hear what colleagues who have completed the programmes have said about their experience on the Programmes.