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Early-career Faculty

Welcome to UCD

UCD Teaching & Learning provides a number of supports to help you streamline your workload and become an effective teacher. There are resources, workshops, programmes and a vibrant community of practice ready to help:

  • To enable you to enhance your teaching practice;
  • To enrich the student experience;
  • And to do so in a timely and scholarly fashion.


New Faculty Welcome from the Director of UCD Teaching & Learning

New faculty are often challenged with multiple demands; teaching, learning support, administration, module design, assessment and of course maintaining a research profile, to name a few! In this video, Aine Galvin, the Director of UCD Teaching and Learning, welcomes new faculty and outlines the range of teaching and learning activities and resources available to support them in their new role.

New Faculty Welcome

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Newly appointed faculty are particularly encouraged to enrol on one of our accredited programmes in university teaching and learning and should consider the module Becoming a Better University Teacher as the module to start with.

An induction session for early-career faculty takes place at the start of each trimester. This two-hour session introduces participants to the fundamental principles and practices of higher education teaching and learning, with emphasis on learner-centred approaches. See Teaching and Learning Events for upcoming sessions.


Need information in a hurry - check out the guidance in the Teaching Toolkit or our Teaching Strategies for Success video series.  This is a series of short videos in which UCD colleagues share strategies that they have developed over many years of teaching.  You may find what you are looking for in our A-Z of resources.


New faculty are especially welcome to join the online UCD Teaching and Learning Community. This community of around 500 members of staff is for sharing and discussing any information relating to teaching and learning in UCD.


You should also get to know the school head of teaching and learning for your school.  The school head of teaching and learning provides support and advice to faculty and staff in relation to teaching, learning and assessment issues and disseminates information on Teaching and Learning events, awards, grants, development opportunities, and relevant policy updates.

In addition to the supports above there is a UCD Newly Appointed Assistant Professor Programme run by  UCD HR, People & Organisation Development.

In addition to our own pedagogical supports, one may like to review other resources available to support your teaching design and delivery.

Consider the practical elements at

UCD Estates

Review the available technologies at

UCD IT Services

UCD Teaching & Learning Team

We offer practical supports to new and experienced faculty and staff on these topics and many more. The Teaching and Learning team is available to help and has expertise in:

  • the fundamentals of teaching and learning in higher education; 
  • module and programme design;
  • assessment and feedback approaches; 
  • problem and enquiry-based learning; 
  • technology enhanced learning; 
  • programme review and enhancement.