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Post-doctoral Researchers

Seminar Series for Post-doctoral Research Fellows

UCD Teaching & Learning provides a dedicated seminar series for post-doctoral and research fellows.  The aim of these seminars is to introduce participants to the key concepts underpinning good practice in third-level teaching and learning, and to enable them to review and prepare to undertake some basic teaching activities.

The structure of the programme offers a number of opportunities for the individual to engage in core aspects of academic practice and to begin to build a professional teaching portfolio.

The seminars will take place in three sessions, each being three hours in duration, with some follow-up tasks/activities to be undertaken in the intervening times.  At the core of these sessions is the opportunity for participants to engage, negotiate and participate, where possible in a range of teaching and learning activities. For more information consult the Seminar Series for Post Doctoral Research Fellows Handbook

Learning Outcomes

On completion of these seminars one should be able to:

  • Appraise a range of teaching, learning and assessment methods
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of some of the basic principles and practices of third level teaching and learning
  • Demonstrate the use of universal design in the course of teaching
  • Develop a teaching practice portfolio.