Module Evaluation
The slides below outline six stages of the module design process. This page looks at stage six: "module evaluation".

The UCD student feedback on modules will give you some data that will both confirm you in both your module design and teaching while suggesting areas for further development.
In addition to the compulsory questions you are invited to add additional questions to this student survey. What questions could you add that would help you get information on key aspects of your module design? When you receive the student feedback on the module it may be useful to summarise what this means in terms of students’ perspectives on:
- What enhanced student learning on the module?
- What could be improved for the next time you are teaching the module?
- What is missing from this module that you would like to add next time?
It can be helpful for you to take some time for your own reflections on these questions. Combining your students’ evaluations with your own reflections will help you to be both confirmed in the particular strengths of the module and to identify areas for development. If your approach to module design is innovative and would be of interest to others you could consider gaining ethical approval to collect data and publish a journal or conference paper on this topic.
UCD Student Feedback on Modules Survey
UCD operates an all-university, anonymous, online student feedback system to ensure that students are given a voice in the module enhancement process as part of UCD's evidence-based quality assurance of educational offerings.
The Survey Process document will give you an overview of how UCD's Student Feedback on Modules system works.
Four Step Process of Student Feedback on Modules
Frequently Asked Questions
The survey is carried out using an online questionnaire which students access via SISWeb.
Yes, all modules are included, except modules with less than 5 students enrolled and modules delivered on overseas campuses (with the exception of BDIC modules which are included).
In total, no more than thirteen questions can be set per module. There are seven core questions which are automatically set up for all modules. Up to six additional questions can be added by module coordinators.
Module coordinators have the opportunity to add up to six questions to the seven core survey questions. These can be:
- Drawn from the Optional Questions which have been pre-written.
- Written by the module coordinator using the Free Choice section.
- A combination of Optional Questions and Free Choice questions.
You can access the survey in InfoHub. You will only have access to modules for which you are the module coordinator.
Module coordinators can set up their questions around weeks eight and nine of each trimester.
Module coordinators will receive an email communication once the system is available for question set-up.
Seven core questions will be set up for all modules. If you do not wish to customise additional questions, there is no need to take any action during the question set-up phase.
The survey normally opens for student responses in week eleven of each trimester and remains open until after the exams
In trimesters one, two and three, emails are issued centrally to launch and promote the survey. However, local promotion and promotion by module coordinators is known to be more effective and is encouraged.
All responses are anonymous. Feedback will not be traced back to individual students.
Yes, you can see real-time updates on how many students have completed the survey for each of your modules in the Manage My Student Feedback report in InfoHub.
Feedback collected by the survey will be treated confidentially and will only be made available after results have been issued to students. Results from the first five core questions will be shared with the head of school, head of section and head of subject, while qualitative student comments and results from any optional questions added will remain confidential to the module coordinator. Both heads of schools and module coordinators will see how many students have completed the survey for each module.
Module coordinators will receive an email alert once their student feedback is available for review. This email will contain a link to the Module Enhancement InfoHub report which can be found in InfoHub.
Please email for assistance.