Step 1 - Review
The starting point in the process is knowing what is going on in your programme.
As programmes are complex and involve many different stakeholders, a key aspect in knowing what is going on in the programme is to create an opportunity for regular programme team dialogue. Dialogue is central to the Framework. Whereas UCD examination boards have traditionally focused on the reliability of grades and the grading process (Principle 6: Reliable), there is a need to also focus on the enhancement of other principles such as: articulated, aligned, variety, space and integrated assessment and feedback.
One key enabler to progressing this discussion is to set a regular ‘Enhancement Agenda Item (‘Light’ Review)’ programme board or stage team meetings (or equivalent). Another approach is to put time aside for a workshop/lunch-time session to review assessment and feedback approaches in the programmes/stage and how these could be further developed. It is beneficial to include all stakeholders, such as faculty, staff, students, education technologist/developers in these conversations, where possible.
Assessment and feedback strategies should align with programme outcomes (Principle 2: Aligned). Therefore, a key starting point in reviewing assessment and feedback strategies is to become familiar with your existing (or articulate new):
Some questions to consider to support team discussions are presented in the exercises below. As part of this process:
- Identify successes and, if possible, showcase these to others.
- Identify areas for improvement: quick fixes or long-term actions.
- Identify where there is a need to collect more data.
Questions to consider, based on the assessment and feedback principles:
Exploring your Assessment and Feedback Data
The data gathered from these exercises and other sources will give you some ideas about 'what's going on' in the programme. The UCD regulations highlight the programme director's role in monitoring the assessment and feedback strategies of the programme' (Reg 1.7c).
Potential data sources on assessment and feedback in programme include:
- Assessment load, timing and methods as described in the programme’s module descriptors.
- Outputs from a UCD curriculum mapping (where completed).
- Structures by Major / Major Quick Search and see that you can easily report on assessment by programme major/stage.
- Student survey on modules (Module Enhancement Reports) or on the programme ( data)
- External examiner reports
- Employer survey
- Schedule of assessment tasks and submission dates across the programme/stage
- TESTA tool and Process (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment) (if completed)
- Programme Dialogue Tool: Staff Self and Peer Review
- Stage evaluation
- Results from focus groups and/or interviews with students and other stakeholders, please see Potential Data Sources on Assessment and Feedback in your Programme for more details.
For more ideas on how to map your programme assessment or other ideas for knowing what's going on, see the National Forum resource on programme assessment and feedback approaches.