About TEAM
TEAM is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) by the European Commission that deals with Training in European Asset Management. The justification for TEAM is that transport demand, both for passengers and freight, is growing strongly worldwide. If we are to meet economic growth targets, and facilitate integration of the European Union, it’s important that the European transport network can deal with this continuing growth in demand. However, transport growth using the technologies of today is unsustainable.
New technologies and processes need to be developed which will deliver cheap, sustainable transport. In the past two decades there has been a revolution in electronic sensor and processing technologies. Sensors and the associated multiplexing electronics and software tools are now cheap and reliable which creates potential for new innovative uses in all kinds of ways.
The TEAM proposal will exploit the benefits of new sensor and processing technologies, methodologies, models and algorithms to monitor the condition and safety of transport infrastructure. These new sources of asset health data, combined with new computer models and algorithms, will revolutionise the accuracy of condition and safety assessments. Knowing exactly the processes, parameters, implications and state of health of transport infrastructure assets, will extend their safe working lives and reduce costs.