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TEL All Webinar Series

TEL All Webinar Series 2021

This year's TEL All webinar series will also take place online with various webinars from May to October 2021.

The lunch-time webinars will be delivered by School based Educational Technologists who will share their pedagogical and technical expertise and offer some practical and hand-ons advice. Currently scheduled webinars include:

Webinar 1
13.00-13.50, 19/5 - Peer Assessment using peerScholar

peerScholar helps students to learn from each other by providing feedback on their work. The peerScholar workflow consists of three steps: Create, Assess and Reflect. Each step supports the development of critical and creative thought, and expressive and receptive communication, while giving students a very clear sense of the quality of their own work. This webinar will give an overview of how to use peerScholar in a module and show examples of use cases at UCD.

This webinar was presented by Catherine Murphy and Niall Watts

Webinar 2
13.00-13.50, 26/5 - Signposting for Students in Brightspace

Feedback received from students in AY 20/21 has highlighted how important module design and navigation is for the student learning journey, especially in the online and blended environment. This workshop will provide quick tips on how to develop a structure in your Brightspace module to help students navigate your content. It will also discuss the benefits to module coordinators when creating signposts for students in the module.

This webinar was presented by Elanor McDonald

Webinar 3
13.00- 13.50, 26/8 - Effective Group Work Online

Organising and facilitating effective group work can be challenging in an online environment. This webinar will focus on supporting colleagues to organise and facilitate effective group work in Brightspace. Strategies will be demonstrated for both asynchronous and synchronous group work. Active participation from attendees will be encouraged.

This webinar was presented by Carla Coll and Orla Hanratty

Webinar 4
13.00-13.50, 1/9 - Personalising the Learning Experience in Brightspace

Release conditions and Intelligent Agents allow your students to have a personal experience of your module, and allow you to automate predictable aspects of module delivery. Content can be released and communications can be sent to your students for instance on the successful completion of an activity, or the achievement of a grade. This webinar will focus on using these tools to create adaptive learning pathways to your Brightspace module.

This webinar was presented by Niall Flaherty

Webinar 5
13.00- 13.50, 7/9 - Engaging students via Brightspace Functionalities

The webinar will focus on how educational technologies can support teaching and learning and boost engagement within modules. At UCD we have access to Brightspace tools as well as other educational technologies, and all of these can impact how students interact and engage within the offerings. This session will focus on how to use Brightspace communication tools (Announcements, Chats, Discussions) and cater for all students with the use of Video Notes, as well as design and develop learning objects using templates and embedding external tools.

This webinar was presented by Catherine Murphy and Jacinta Freeney

Contact UCD TEL All

University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777