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2024 Student Ucard Distribution

Students living in campus accommodation will receive their Ucard when checking in. The Residences team will be in contact by UCDConnect email with information and instructions prior to check in. Please monitor your UCDConnect email for updates. 

This is applicable to students in all UCD Residences across Belfield and Michael Smurfit School of Business. 

Incoming Stage 1 Undergraduate students will receive their Ucard during Orientation Week, which takes place 4th - 6th September. 

The Ucard Bureau will begin communicating with Undergraduate students from the 2nd September, using UCDConnect email only

This email will contain information on the tasks you need to complete in order to receive your Ucard, and information on where and when your Ucard will be issued.

A collection appointment has been booked for you by your School/College, based around your scheduled Orientation activities. 

Please do not come the Ucard Collection point without an appointment ; during this busy period we are not available to provide a service on an individual basis. 

Postgraduate Ucard Distribution will take place in the UCD Village from Monday 9th September.

The Ucard Bureau will begin communicating with incoming Postgraduate students before term commences through UCDConnect email only

Some Colleges/Schools have made different arrangements for collection times/locations; all relevant information will be sent by email. 

We will be in contact before start of term through UCDConnect email only, with information on when you will receive your Ucard. 

Smurfit Ucards will be distributed on the Smurfit campus in Blackrock. 

Please note; Smurfit students living on-campus in Proby or Blackrock Halls will receive their Ucard when checking in. If you are a Smurfit student checking in to accommodation on the Belfield campus, you will receive your Ucard from the Residences team in Belfield.

Graduate Entry Stage 1 Undergraduates will receive their Ucard during the week commencing 4th September.

The Ucard Bureau will begin communicating with Graduate Entry Undergraduates from the 30th August, with information on where and when your Ucard will be issued. 

A collection time has been booked for you by your School/College based around your scheduled Orientation activities/introductory sessions.

All students enrolled in the SNA Training Programme will receive their Ucards by post; this has been arranged by the School of Education. 

The Ucard Bureau will be in contact by UCDConnect email in September with information on the steps you need to complete before your Ucard can be printed and posted. 

International students staying in on-campus will receive their Ucards when checking in. The Residences team will be in contact by UCDConnect email in advance of check in with further information. 

Stage 1 international Undergraduates not living on campus will receive their Ucards during Orientation Week.

Stage 2 and 3 international Undergraduates not living on campus will be issued Ucards from 9th September - we will be in contact in advance of this by UCDConnect email with information on where and when your Ucard will be issued.