Below you will find the different ways in which you can top up your Ucard account.
There are some things you must take into consideration when topping up your Ucard account.
When topping up your Ucard, please be aware the balance will primarily be used for printing services only.
The Ucard Bureau does not facilitate Ucard account refunds; the responsibility is on the student to ensure all money on their Ucard account is spent before leaving the Campus.
Do not topup your Ucard account by large amounts (only what you know you will need). All cafés/restaurants/shops on campus use cash or card only.
If you are topping up your Ucard account to make a specific purchase from your School or College, please double check the Ucard is accepted for the specific purchase. A list of item that can be purchased using the Ucard can be found here on the Ucard Purchase List.

Online Topup
Ucard Account Online Topup
The quickest and easiest way to top up your Ucard account, is an online Topup via SISWeb.
Click here to login to SISWeb to perform an online topup.

Cash Topup
Ucard Bureau Topup Station
Students can topup their Ucard account at the UCD Ucard bureau,
The Ucard bureau accept cash and Credit/Debit card payments.
Simply call into the Ucard bureau and ask the attendent to topup your Ucard account
You can find our locations here.

Ucard Kiosk Topup
Ucard Topup Kiosks
There are several Ucard Topup Kiosks which are available for use throughout the UCD Campus.
The Ucard Topup Kiosk use a Tap and Go Credit/Debit card payment method only.
For Ucard Topup Kiosk instructions and location details Click Kiosk Locations