UCD CELT Network March Coffee Morning
2021/22 Events
- Hope Fest 2021
- Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction course
- Volunteer Talks – Workshop Series 2021
- UCD CELT Network Coffee Morning
- SAOL Womens Project
- UCD Intergenerational Jigsaw Club
- Thank You Dublin Simon Appeal
- February 'Volunteer Engagers' Coffee Morning
- UCD CELT Network March Coffee Morning
- Words in Action
- Support for Ukraine
- October 'Volunteer Engagers' Coffee Morning
- UCD Community Engagement Report 2020-21 Launch
- Small practical actions to support the Ukrainian community - talk
- UCD CELT Network April Coffee Morning
- Invitation to UCD Festival - complimentary brunch for newcomers
- Hope Fest 2022
UCD Community Engaged Learning and Teaching (CELT) Network
Last year we launched a new network, which aims to bring people together across UCD who are working or interested in Community Engaged Learning (CEL). You can read a full write up of our activities on the UCD Teaching and Learning website.
Community Engaged Learning and Teaching (CELT) Network will meet every second month for a virtual coffee morning.
The purpose of the informal meetings is to nurture a community of people who are teaching using CEL or who are interested in learning more about this approach. It is open to all members of the UCD community.
If this is something that interests you, come along to our
Cup of Cha(t) events and please feel free to share with colleagues and students working in this field. Complete the form
(opens in a new window)here to register your interest!
Upcoming CELT Cup of Cha(t) Zoom - Fri 4 March, 10am
Upcoming Cup of Cha(t) on
Friday 4 March at 10am, with special guests from across UCD who will be sharing their community-engaged learning projects and stories. Please email Theresa O'Leary (
(opens in a new window)theresa.oleary@ucd.ie) for the Zoom link or fill out the Google Form
(opens in a new window)here.
Bring along your cup of tea/coffee - we look forward to welcoming you!