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Say my baby's name Seminar


Dr Anne Tracey in collaboration with UCD in the Community & Dr Marie Murray (Mind Yourself Series) request the pleasure of your company at the seminar:


Thursday, 23 March 2023                                                                                               

10.15am - 1.00pm, UCD O'Brien Centre for Science,  SCIH 1.37, Lynch Theatre

How do we talk about the loss of a baby?     

Each year in Ireland, 14,000 women suffer a miscarriage and around 300 babies die by stillbirth. In the UK, thirteen families a day suffer the loss of their baby before, during or shortly after the birth, that is approximately 4,500 babies a year. These tragic losses often remain unseen and unacknowledged.

Dr Anne Tracey invites you to a seminar focusing on the powerful messages that are central to her new book. Five dads and twenty-seven mums shared their lived experience of stillbirth and miscarriage to help shine a light on the mental, emotional and physical impact on parents and families of the loss of a much-wanted baby. The seminar is open to everyone and you can attend for your own reasons.

Contact UCD in the Community

Coote Hub, First Floor, UCD Village Block E4
T: +353 1 716 2268 | E: ucdic@ucd.ie