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Digital Badge for Universal Design

Looking to increase your understanding and upskill in Universal Design? The Digital Badge in Universal Design provides colleagues with a framework to embed inclusion into their work, to learn from their peers and to redesign their practice. The Badge is a free introductory course on Universal Design for Learning for all those working in Higher and Further Education in Ireland and a nationally recognised micro-credential. Over 4,000 individuals have completed this badge nationally with over 500 of those being UCD colleagues.

(opens in a new window)Sign up now! Local UCD rollout starting 10 February!

There are two strands to choose from: Teaching & Learning and Beyond the Classroom. Both consist of the same core elements:

  • a 10-week programme; roughly 2.5 hrs of work per week
  • 5 self-directed online modules and 3 recorded webinars
  • 4 peer group meetings online 
  • a Redesign Activity which is submitted and reviewed before the Digital Badge is awarded
  • an optional 5 hour additional Facilitator activity for those who wish to support future rollouts of the Badge.

The programme and content is work based and very practical. Participants will meet other colleagues from across the campus, learn about different contexts and disciplines, and share ideas and resources. 

Please contact (opens in a new window)universityforall@ucd.ie if you have any questions. 

We know that most people's roles don't fit neatly into one category or another; teaching colleagues are often involved in supporting students and professional staff often teach students, so we don't think of the two strands as being exclusive. We encourage you to start with one - we've explained the differences in the strands here:

Universal Design in Teaching & Learning

  • For those who are primarily involved in teaching learners in a classroom setting.
  • The course content focuses on teaching, learning and assessment.
  • The Digital Badge provides faculty and teaching staff with a sustained opportunity to critically reflect on their teaching methods and make changes to the practice by embedding UDL.
  • It will enhance your teaching, improve your students' learning experience and help you improve student engagement.
  • NB: Participants should have some teaching activity during the course rollout.
  • Watch this short video to find out more about how the course works.

Universal Design Beyond the Classroom

  • For those colleagues who work in student support and engagement or support or engage with other staff and colleagues.
  • For example: careers support, communications and marketing, IT services, libraries, programme administration, staff training, finance, estates & facilities services, and quality assurance.
  • This course is for professionals who interact either directly or indirectly with students beyond the reaches of the classroom setting who wish to utilise the Universal Design framework to provide an inclusive university experience for all.
  • Watch this short video to find out more about how the course works.

The Digital Badge in Universal Design has been developed by UCD Access & Lifelong Learning and (opens in a new window)AHEAD, it is supported by the Higher Education Authority's (opens in a new window)National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

In UCD, the Faculty Partnership Programme facilitates the Teaching & Learning strand and the Professional Staff Partnership Programme facilitates the Beyond the Classroom strand of the Digital Badge.

The Digital Badge is a flexible programme to fit around busy schedules, it provides an opportunity for sustained reflection, helps make sense of inclusion, enhances participants’ skill sets and is a valuable piece of continuous professional development. This Badge will serve to inspire colleagues to universally design their practices, regardless of their roles, so that all students and staff can engage with their work.

If you wish to become a future facilitator of the Universal Design Digital Badge, you will commit to undertake an additional five learner hours with a facilitator focus. This is optional and requires submission of an extra activity. The option to complete this extra activity will be given to all participants.

University for All

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: UniversityforAll@ucd.ie