Widening Participation Committee
UCD's Widening Participation Committee provides the formal mechanism to oversee, monitor and promote the University’s achievement of a diverse and inclusive scholarly student community; a University for All.

About UCD's Widening Participation Committee
The UCD Strategy 2020-2024: Rising to the Future anchors the work of the Widening Participation Committee, and it plays a key role in supporting the University to recognise, promote and value diversity, foster the spirit of inclusion, appreciate the breadth of talent, experience and contribution of all students, and strive to remove the barriers to access, participation and success.
The Committee is chaired by Professor John Brannigan, and reports to the UMT Education Group (UMTEG). Membership is drawn from all Academic Programme Boards, Policy and Support Services, in addition to Student Access Leaders, UCD Student Union and co-opted members from UCD EDI and Global.
The Committee is provided with policy advice, expertise and operational support by UCD Access & Lifelong Learning (ALL).
The Committee has a three-year term and meets five times per year

A Decade of Action Special Publication
In 2023, the Committee celebrated it's tenth anniversary at the University for All Symposium and a special publication: "A Decade of Action shaping a University for All - Celebrating Ten Years of UCD Widening Participation". In UCD, over one third of undergraduate students are drawn from under-represented groups. This diverse student population illustrates UCD’s commitment to inclusion, and demonstrates our commitment to creating a universally designed, inclusive learning experience for all students.
This publication chronicles how the Committee steered this change and transformation project over the last ten years. Showcasing actions and approaches to embedding and mainstreaming student access, diversity, and inclusion featuring a range of institution wide examples of inclusive practice. UCD is fortunate in the Committee leadership, and greatly values their work to place the ethos of inclusion at the heart of everything the University does.