External Communication
Communicating the knowledge, achievements and activities of the University to opinion-formers and the wider public.

External Communication, Media Relations and Social Media
UCD University Relations communicates across all platforms and channels the University's key activities, actions and achievements to external stakeholders in line with its core mission and current strategy.
Our in-house managed communication channels include the University's homepage, the online news and opinion centre, and the central social media channels.
We act as the first point of contact for media relations and provide professional guidance, advice and support to faculty who wish to engage with the media.
We provide faculty with guidance and best practice guidelines on writing and placing op-eds in leading national and international media outlets.
Our news team gathers content from across the University to effectively tell our story and engage our audiences. They also provide professional support and guidance to faculty on the structure, production and delivery of podcasts and video content.

Filming and Photography
Formal approval from UCD University Relations must be received before any filming or photography can take place on campus. Depending on the scale of the activity, it can take several days for requests to be considered.
With over 138 hectares of landscaped grounds, incorporating several period estate houses with ornamental gardens, hundreds of acres of woodland, sculpture trails, a national hockey stadium, scientific and medical laboratories, engineering rooms, lecture halls, and an Olympic-sized swimming pool, University College Dublin could provide a location for a multitude of film and television productions. Location managers working for major motion-pictures, national TV channels, and independent production companies, regularly approach the university to use the campus as a location for filming.
UCD generally supports requests from productions that broadly promote education, research, teaching, learning and knowledge - or indeed Dublin and Ireland as a tourist location or a place to do business.However, commercial productions with little connection to these general principles are seldom given permission to film on campus, as the disruption to the day-to-day activities on campus are not counter balanced by the outcomes of the productions.
All requests for filming on the UCD campus must in the first instance receive approval in principal from UCD University Relations. Final approval is dependent on further liaison and agreement with the UCD Health and Safety Office, and the relevant local units across the university to ensure that the logistics involved can be managed in order to limit any potential disruption to the normal day-to-day activities of staff, students, visitors, and neighbours of the university.
UCD University Relations
T: +353 +1 716 1584
E: (opens in a new window)communications@ucd.ie