Events and Publications

UCD hosts a wide range of events across our impressive campus facilities, making an important contribution to the objectives and reputation of the University and enhancing our engagement with local, national and global communities. UCD University Relations co-ordinates key university events and works with colleagues across the University to ensure that the correct protocol and processes are in place.
If you are considering bidding for an international conference or have other commercial room hire requirements please visit the UCD Conference and Events Office website.

UCD Today
UCD Today, the University's quarterly magazine, keeps the UCD community up-to-date with campus news and activities. It also showcases UCD's excellence in teaching and learning, research and innovation, and includes feature interviews with researchers by Irish journalists.
UCD Today is published by UCD University Relations, edited by Mary Staunton. For queries or to submit an article for potential inclusion, get in touch at (opens in a new window)ucdtoday@ucd.ie

Other Publications
UCD publishes a number of key print publications to profile the work of the University. In addition to UCD Today these include the Annual Report of the President which serves as one of the key archives of the University’s activities; and UCD’s (opens in a new window)Strategic Plan, produced at five-yearly cycles. Previous strategic plans may be found here.
Other University publications include the annual alumni magazine (opens in a new window)UCD Connections, managed by (opens in a new window)UCD Alumni, and the (opens in a new window)undergraduate student prospectus, managed by UCD Student Recruitment.