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URMAN Terms of Reference & Annual Reports

Terms of Reference – UCD Research Managers and Administrators Network (URMAN)

Title UCD Research Managers and Administrators Network (URMAN)
Purpose To provide a network within UCD for Research Managers and Administrators to deliver benefits to the University and those individuals working within the research management and administration space.
Objectives ● Improved recognition and identity for the profession of research administration and management
● Improved opportunities to share knowledge and best practice with a view to developing standardised processes and procedures where appropriate.
● To provide a “voice” to the groups in terms of lobbying and influencing UCD policies and practices as they pertain to research activities
● To identify common training and professional development requirements for the group and ensure delivery of same.
● To provide a forum for engagement with outside parties – e.g. funders, NCPs, IUA, EUA etc.
Authority / Champion VP for Research, Innovation and Impact
Secretariat To be provided by UCD Research
Membership Self-Selection to the Network by eligible employees as follows:
● All personnel providing services to the research community in UCD
Advisory Group (AG) ● The advisory group will provide oversight to URMAN.
● This group will have 8-9 members drawn from URMAN members.
● Appointment to the AG will be by self-nomination. If more than 8 members volunteer initially then an election will take place.
● Annually 3 members of the group should step down to allow for new members within the AG.
● No member can serve on the AG for more than 5 consecutive years.
● The group will have a rotating chair (selected by the AG members). The chair should rotate at least every twenty four months.
● UCD Research will provide the secretariat.
The purpose of the group is to strive towards the achievement of the objectives outlined above.
Quorum The advisory group will have a quorum of 5 members. In the absence of the Chair the advisory group members present will appoint a Chair.
Sub-groups From time to time it may be necessary to set up sub-groups to look into specific projects. Each sub-group should have at least one member of the advisory group to act as a communications link between the sub-group and the advisory group.
Established September 2013
Reviewed & amended Reviewed May 2018.
Amended April 2019 to increase AG membership from 6-8 members to 8-9 members, and to increase quorum from 4 members to 5 members.
Reviewed November 2021.
Reviewed November 2023.
Next review date September 2025

URMAN Annual Reports

URMAN Annual Report 2023

URMAN Annual Report 2021-2022

URMAN Annual Report 2020-2021

URMAN Annual Report 2019-2020

URMAN Annual Report 2018-19


University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777