UCD Centre for Veterinary Education
Our vision is to advance the discipline of veterinary medical education.
Our mission is to support the delivery of excellence in veterinary medical education through engagement in research, scholarship and informed innovation, and to develop a structured and evidence-based approach to the continuing professional development of educators of veterinary professionals.

Research Activities
The Centre for Veterinary Education conducts and disseminates research on topics in veterinary medical education to inform and enhance curriculum design and programme delivery. We collaborate and undertake educational research projects with local, national and international partners.

Professional Development
The Centre for Veterinary Education promotes and facilitates CPD for faculty and work-placement providers involved in educating veterinary professionals. In-house training opportunities are developed to support teachers to remain current in evidence-based pedagogy and assessment approaches to best prepare veterinary professionals for the workplace.

Professional Certification in Veterinary Education
The Professional Certificate in Veterinary Education aims to develop and enhance your teaching practice as an educator of veterinary professionals. This programme will be of value to those actively involved in teaching and assessing veterinary medicine and veterinary nursing students.