About Us
The Centre for Veterinary Education is a combined Research and CPD Centre that was established in the School of Veterinary Medicine in 2023. Core aims include creating new pedagogical knowledge and developing CPD to support educators of veterinary professionals to upskill and remain current with best educational practice.
The Centre for Veterinary Education aims to consolidate and build upon these developments by more strongly aligning our work with international best practice and in so doing intensify and enrich these activities to demonstrate UCD's commitment to excellence in veterinary undergraduate education.

Our Vision
To advance the discipline of veterinary medical education.
Our Mission
To support the delivery of excellence in veterinary medical education through engagement in research, scholarship and informed innovation, and to develop a structured and evidence-based approach to the continuing professional development of educators of veterinary professionals.
Our Aims
- Increase veterinary educational resesarch outputs which refine theory and advance practice.
- Raise the visibility and profile of veterinary educational expertise in Ireland optimising international collaboration potential.
- Improve competitiveness for international educational grants.
- Boost provision of in-house training (teaching and assessment) tailored for faculty and work-placement providers engaged in educating veterinary professionals.
- Design and implement a structured approach to ongoing professional development of academic educators which is essential for continued delivery of accredited undergraduate programmes.
- Support the development of future strategic educational leaders.
- Host national and international educational conferences.
- Foster collaboration with healthcare educationalists and other professional education providers, both within UCD CHAS and more broadly.