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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day graphic with icons to show things it's always ok to be and doWorld Mental Health Day takes place on 10 October each year and is an important date in our School calendar - the School understands that being mentally healthy is vitally important for everyone. The COVID-19 pandemic brought difficult times for many people, and we can still see and feel the impact of that all around us.  This year, we decorated the School foyer with supportive and inspiring posters. Building on the already strong foundation of community spirit in the School, Dr Niamh Nestor, our in-house Student Adviser, also organised and helped to distribute 500 gift envelopes which contained a teabag, some sweets, a SeeChange green ribbon and a bespoke bookmark with positive mental health messages.

Speaking about the event, Dr Nestor said, ‘it was truly heartwarming to see people’s surprised and happy reactions to being offered an unexpected gift when they arrived in the building on the morning of World Mental Health Day. It was also lovely to see the students chatting together over a hot tea or coffee and a biscuit, especially after the last few years we’ve had of not being able to see each other in person. We do something every year to mark this important day and to remind everyone in the School that mental health matters, you are not alone, there is always hope. Anyone who needs it should reach out for support.’

If you need support: 

Samaritans (24-hour helpline) | 116 123

50808 - Text About It (24-hour text helpline) | Text 50808 | (opens in a new window)https://text50808.ie/

Contact the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine

UCD Veterinary Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 6100 | Location Map(opens in a new window)