EDI and Athena SWAN Committee / Self-Assessment Team
The Veterinary EDI and Athena SWAN (VETEDIAS) Self-Assessment Team (SAT) comprises 12 staff and represents the School’s mixture of genders, roles, grades and career stages. It is made up of members of senior management, professors/lecturers, clinical staff, professional staff, research staff and technical.
The VETEDIAS SAT sits at the heart of our Community, where students and staff are invited to be part of making our Silver Action Plan (SiAP) a success. You can download a copy of the SiAP here: School of Veterinary Medicine Athena SWAN Silver Action Plan for period 2024-2028
The SAT is tasked with identifying stakeholders and assigning action owners and are accountable for the success/failure of actions. It comprises a Veterinary Management Team (VMT) comprising of two co-chairs and a project co-ordinator and 4 working groups:
SAT/Committee Groups |
Responsibility for Silver Action Plan |
VetEDIAS Management Team (VMT) |
Progress and Implementation |
Working Group 1 (WG 1) |
Career Progression and Mentorship, Academic and Research Staff |
Working Group 2 (WG2) |
Career Progression and Mentorship, PMS Staff |
Working Group 3 (WG3) |
Student Related Issues |
Working Group 4 (WG4) |
Community Communication |
Name | Position/Role in School | Email Address |
Marion Ryan | SAT Co-Chair, VETEDIAS VMT, Senior Technical Officer, Molecular Biology | marion.ryan@ucd.ie |
Stephen Gordon | SAT Co-Chair, VETEDIAS VMT, Full Professor, Infection Biology |
stephen.gordon@ucd.ie |
Eimear Burkley | SAT Project Co-ordinator, VETEDIAS VMT | eimear.burkley@ucd.ie |
Alison Reynolds | Co-chair WG1, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Biosciences, Associate Dean for Research, Innovation & Impact | Alison.Reynolds@ucd.ie |
Arun Kumar | Co-chair WG3, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Biosciences | arun.kumar@ucd.ie |
Bridget Hogg | Co-chair WG4, Senior Technical Officer, Veterinary Biosciences | bridget.hogg@ucd.ie |
Kevin Murtagh | Co-chair WG1, Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine | Kevin.murtagh@ucd.ie |
Maria Gomez Sanchez | Co-chair WG2, Veterinary Nurse and Physiotherapist | maria.gomez-sanchez@ucd.ie |
Marijke Beltman | Co-chair WG4, Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Reproduction | marijke.beltman@ucd.ie |
TBD | Co-chair WG2 | - |
Robin Farrell | Co-chair WG3, Director of Veterinary Nursing | robin.farrell@ucd.ie |
Rory Breathnach | Dean and Head of the School of Veterinary Medicine, Associate Professor | rory.breathnach@ucd.ie |
Committee vacancies arise from time to time. If you are interested in joining the EDI and Athena SWAN SAT, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact (opens in a new window)vetedias@ucd.ie