Purl Jam
The UCD Purl Jam Craft Group is jointly led by the Student Advisers in the School of Veterinary Medicine (Dr Niamh Nestor) and the School of Science (Catriona Keane). A group of staff and students meet on a weekly basis (via Zoom for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic) to create knitted and crocheted items which are either donated to charity or created for personal use. The group works on all sorts of different projects, including tea cosies, hats, scarves, baby items, Christmas decorations and gifts.
The group supports several charities including the ‘Tentacles for Tinies’ project at the Rotunda Foundation, Stitched with Love, Pieta House, UCD Veterinary Hospital Animal Welfare Fund and the ‘Bravery Blanky’ project.
The group’s ‘Twiddlemitts Project’ supports people living with dementia. Twiddlemitts are brightly coloured hand warmers which are decorated with buttons, ribbons, pockets, zips and beads. They provide sensory stimulation to dementia patients, helping to improve patients’ moods and sense of well-being and relaxation. Proceeds of sales of Twiddlemitts and other items were donated to the Alzheimer Society of Ireland in 2019 and more of these beautiful products were donated throughout 2019 and 2020 to St Vincent’s University Hospital.
All students and staff are welcome to join the group and all levels of experience are welcome!
Contact (opens in a new window)Niamh.nestor@ucd.ie for more information.