Publications- 2001-2003 Bailey SR, Katz, LM, Berhane Y, Samuels T, De Brauvere N, Marr CM, Elliott J. Seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of caecum-derived amines in normal ponies and ponies predisposed to laminitis. Am J Vet Res. Accepted for publication, 2003. Brayden DJ, Baird AW. Microparticle vaccine approaches to stimulate mucosal immunisation. Review. Microbes Infect. 2001 Aug; 3 (10): 867-76. Cannon DM, Keenan AK, Guiry PJ, Buon C, Baird AW, McBean GJ. In vitro neuronal and vascular responses to 5-HT in rats chronically exposed to MDMA. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2001 Dec; 134 (7):1 455-60. Dowdall JF, Winter DC, Baird AW, Bouchier-Hayes D. Biological role and clinical implications of mast cells in surgery Surgery 132 (1): 1-4 Jul. 2002. Drudy D, O'Donoghue DP, Baird AW, Fenelon L, O'Farrelly C. Flow cytometric analysis of Clostridium difficile adherence to human intestinal epithelial cells. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2001 Jun; 50 (6): 526-34. Goh J, Baird AW, O'Keane C, Watson RW, Cottell D, Berlasconi G, Petasis NA, Godson C, Brady HR, MacMathuna P. Lipoxin A(4) and aspirin-triggered 15-epi-lipoxin A(4) antagonizeTNF-alpha-stimulated neutrophil-enterocyte interactions in vitro and attenuate TNF-alpha-induced chemokine release and colonocyte apoptosis in human intestinal mucosa ex vivo.Journal of Immunology 2001 Sep.; 167 (5): 2772-80. Hopkins AM, McDonnell C, Breslin NP, O'Morain CA, Baird AW. Omeprazole increases permeability across isolated rat gastric mucosa pre-treated with an acid secretagogue.J Pharm Pharmacol. 2002 Mar; 54 (3): 341-7. Irwin JA, Alfredsson GA, Lanzetti AJ, Gudmundsson HM, Engel PC. Purification and characterisation of a serine peptidase from the marine psychrophile strain PA-43. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2001 Jul 24; 201 (2): 285-90. Irwin JA, Gudmundsson HM, Marteinsson VT, Hreggvidsson GO, Lanzetti AJ, Alfredsson GA, Engel PC. Characterization of alanine and malate dehydrogenases from a marine psychrophile strain PA-43. Extremophiles 2001 Jun; 5 (3): 199-211. Irwin JA, Lynch SV, Coughlan S, Baker PJ, Gudmundsson HM, Alfredsson HM, Rice DW, Engel PC. Alanine dehydrogenase from the psychrophilic bacterium strain PA-43: Overexpression, molecular characterisation, and sequence analysis. Extremophiles 2003 (in press, published online Feb 2003 DOI 10.1007/s00792-002-0305-4). Katz, LM, CM Marr, J Elliott. A comparison of the responses of equine digital veins and arteries to endothelin-1. British Journal of Pharmacology, Proceedings Supplement. 2001; 133:95P. Katz, LM, CM Marr, J Elliott. Characterization of the relaxant responses of equine digital blood vessels to substance P. British Journal of Pharmacology, Proceedings Supplement. 2002;C008. Katz, LM, CM Marr, J Elliott. Measurement of plasma endothelin-1 from normal and laminitic horses and ponies using a quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Veterinary Medical Forum. Dallas, Texas, May 2002 . Markos F, Campion DP, Carey M, O'Connor JJ. An investigation into the mechanism of action of almitrine on isolated rat diaphragm muscle fatigue. Respiration. 2002; 69 (4): 339-43. McCormack G, Moriarty D, O'Donoghue DP, McCormick PA, Sheahan K, Baird AW. Tissue cytokine and chemokine expression in inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Res. 2001 Oct; 50 (10): 491-5. McEvoy A, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O, Murphy EP. Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH) signaling in synovial tissue from patients with early inflammatory arthritis is mediated by the type 1a CRH receptor. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2001. 44, pp. 1761-1767. McEvoy A, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O, Murphy EP. Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone signaling in vascular endothelium is mediated through the cAMP/CREB pathway. Annals New York Academy of Science 2002. 966, pp. 119-130. McEvoy A, Ponnio TA, Conneely OM, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O, Murphy EP. Activation of nuclear orphan receptor NURR1 transcription by NFkB and CREB in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue. Journal of Immunology 2002. 168, pp. 2979-2987. Moriarty D, Goldhill J, Selve N, O'Donoghue, DP, Baird AW. Human colonic anti-secretory activity of the potent NK(1) antagonist, SR140333: assessment of potential anti-diarrhoeal activity in food allergy and inflammatory bowel disease. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2001 Aug; 133 (8): 1346-54. Motherway M, Tipton KF, McCarthy AD, Couée I, Irwin JA. Purification of glutamate dehydrogenase from liver and brain. Current Protocols in Protein Science 2002 Suppl. 29; 1.4.1 - 1.4.34. Murphy EP, McEvoy A, Conneely OM, Bresnihan B, Fitzgerald O. Involvement of the nuclear orphan receptor NURR1 in the regulation of Corticotropin Releasing Hormone expression and actions in human inflammatory arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2001. 44, pp. 782-793. O'Keeffe C, Baird AW, Nolan N, McCormick PA. Mast cell hyperplasia in chronic rejection after liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2002 Jan; 8 (1): 50-7. O'Riordan AM, Quinn T, Baird AW. Role of prostaglandin E(2) and Ca(2+) in bradykinin induced contractions of guinea-pig gallbladder in vitro. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2001 Nov; 16; 431 (2): 245-52. O'Riordan AM, Quinn T, Hyland JM, O'Donoghue DP, Baird AW. Sources of calcium in neurokinin A-induced contractions of human colonic smooth muscle in vitro. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2001 Nov; 96 (11):3117-21. Pickering, M, Campion, DP, Jones, JFX Reflex cardiorespiratory effects of oesophageal distension in the decerebrate rat Experimental Physiology 2002 Jan: 87(1) 41- 48. Quinn T, Molloy M, Smith A, Baird AW Capacitative calcium entry in guinea-pig gallbladder smooth muscle British Journal of Pharmacology 136: 46P Jun. 2002. Ryan, JP, Irwin, JA. Practical studies on urine demonstrating principles of clinical and veterinary significance. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (2002) 30: (2), 98 – 100. Ryan, JP, Kearns, P, Quinn,
T. Bioavailability of dietary copper and zinc in adult Texel sheep: A comparative study of the effects of sulphate and Bioplex supplementation.Irish Veterinary Journal (2002) 55: (5), 221 – 224. |
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