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Clinical Research Board

Clinical Research Board

The Clinical Research Board (CRB) is dedicated to facilitating clinical research within the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine. Comprising a diverse cohort of representatives from both clinical and pre-clinical domains, the CRB is committed to providing comprehensive support for formal and informal requests related to clinical research. Its primary goal is to enhance research opportunities and foster collaboration, thereby strengthening research activities within the School.

Key Areas of Focus

In support of both formal and informal requests for clinical research support, the CRB will provide constructive feedback, as relevant, on the following:

  • Funding support: Offering guidance and resources for securing research funding
  • Research optimisation: Providing expertise to strengthen research designs and methodologies
  • Ethical compliance: Assisting in navigating ethical approval processes and regulations
  • Collaboration facilitation: Actively promoting collaborative initiatives, particularly between clinical and pre-clinical areas within the School

CRB Committee

  • Assoc Prof Cliona Skelly (Clinical Research Board Director, Co-Chair Vet EDI & Athena SWAN Committee) 
  • Prof Simon More (Associate Dean for Research, Innovation & Impact, Centre for Veterinary Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Director)
  • Prof Carmel Mooney (UCDVH Clinical Director, DVMS Programme Director, Small Animal Clinical Studies Section)
  • Maeve Louise Farrell (Clinical Research Veterinary Nurse)
  • Dr Niamh McLoughlin (Research Support Officer)
  • Assoc Prof Conor McAloon (Bovine Health Management)
  • Assoc Prof Ronan Mullins (Discipline Head of Small Animal Surgery)
  • Assoc Prof Hanne Jahns (Morphological Pathologist, UCDVH)

CRB Review Subgroup


In support of both formal and informal requests for clinical research support, the subgroup will provide constructive feedback, as relevant, on the following:

  • Possible opportunities for research collaboration, particularly between clinical and pre-clinical areas within the School
  • Ideas to strengthen research representation within the supervisory team
  • Aspects of study design and methodology

Once a formal request has been received, the subgroup will also provide recommendations to the Clinical Research Board about resource allocation in support of the request, particularly the time commitment of the Clinical Research Veterinary Nurse.


CRB Subgroup members are representatives from academic sections within both the clinical and pre-clinical areas of the School. During initial establishment, members will be invited by the CRB Chair based on interest in the CRB and its work. Subsequently, it is anticipated that expressions of interest will be formally sought.

Schedule of Meetings

The subgroup will meet on an as-needs basis, further to requests for support from the Clinical Research Veterinary Nurse.

To find out more about research in the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine & UCD Veterinary Hospital, please see the Research section on the School website

UCD Veterinary Hospital

UCD Veterinary Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 6000 | Location Map(opens in a new window)