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Small Animal Clients

Small Animal Clients

We pride ourselves on offering an exemplary service to our clients. The following will give you some information on that service.

Photo of a man holding a Jack Russell puppyFor each case seen we will:

  • examine the animal
  • establish and discuss an appropriate diagnostic and treatment plan
  • provide you with a guide of the costs involved
  • maintain communication with you if your animal is hospitalised and when results are obtained
  • provide you with clear discharge instructions explaining the medications and any other therapies recommended
  • communicate with your referring veterinary surgeon, where appropriate

You will be asked to confirm that you:

  • are aware that this is a teaching hospital for Veterinary Medicine students, Veterinary Nursing students, Interns and Residents, and that they will be involved in all aspects of your animal’s care, under supervision
  • accept the risks and possible outcomes of the chosen diagnostic tests and treatments
  • pay for all services provided before, during and after your animal has been discharged as requested
  • comply with our recommendations for home care and rechecks as far as is possible

Please see the links below for more information to help you prepare for your animal's referral appointment and visit to the UCD Veterinary Hospital.

  • Please bring your dog on a lead; your cat in a basket or cage
  • If your animal has not been seen at the UCDVH before, please come a few minutes early to allow time for a case file to be made up
  • If your animal is likely to be having blood tests or a general anaesthetic, please do not feed it anything other than water on the day of the treatment
  • Your pet should be fasted before an appointment unless they are less than 12 weeks of age, diabetic or suffering from any other condition affecting blood glucose levels.  If uncertain please consult your vet. Water is allowed at all times
  • On arrival, you should report to the UCDVH Reception and ask for a Parking Permit to display in your car before bringing your pet into the Hospital. Please note that the Hospital Car Park is in a clamping area that is not under our control and cars parked without the correct permit will be clamped
  • You will be asked for your insurance policy (if applicable) and to complete a claim form
  • UCD final year veterinary students will be involved in your pet’s care. They will greet you in Reception and go through some preliminary questions before you are seen by a clinician
  • During the consultation, a detailed history of your pet's illness will be taken, and then your pet will be examined. Please feel free during the consultation to ask any questions and discuss any worries that you might have
  • On completion of your consultation, you will be asked to return with a copy of the Consent Form to the Accounts desk where your visit will be completed
  • If your pet is hospitalised, a Nurse Coordinator or member of the Clinical team will keep you up-to-date on your pet’s condition and treatment on a daily basis. Please check your phone for messages if you have missed a call from us
  • The Nurse Coordinator or member of our Reception team will also call you to confirm a discharge time
  • The UCDVH is an extremely busy working Hospital and therefore we would ask you not to call us unless specifically asked to do so

The UCDVH is predominantly a referral centre and clients must be referred by their own veterinary practitioner who should have no hesitation in facilitating referral if requested by you to do so.

Any owner who is not registered with a veterinary practitioner may attend the first opinion clinic, which runs by appointment only.

We are dedicated to helping our clients care for their animals and realise that payment for treatment is often a concern.

In general, our fees for routine patient care do not differ greatly from those of other veterinary clinics. Specialty services, however, require equipment and supplies that can be costly. The UCDVH does not receive funding specifically for the treatment of client-owned animals. The major part of the Hospital's operating budget is generated from fees from client services. Consequently, it is imperative that we collect appropriate fees for the services rendered.

It is the policy of the UCDVH to ask clients who do not have pet insurance to pay a deposit (variable) when a patient is first seen here. This deposit does not reflect the final amount. Treatment options and an estimate of the total cost will be provided by the clinician after your animal has been examined. The outstanding balance must be paid when your animal is discharged.

  • Please note that the referral consultation charge is €150 and an emergency consultation costs €200. You will be given an estimate of the costs during the consultation. This is an estimate based on the initial examination of your pet, and any changes to this estimate will be communicated to you by telephone
  • Please note a deposit is required (a minimum of €700 for surgical procedures or €200 for non-surgical procedures) if an animal is admitted into the Hospital and the balance is due for payment on or before the time of discharge
  • Should the final cost be less than the deposit, the balance will be refunded to you at that time. 

Payment is accepted in cash, debit or credit card.

All funds earned in the UCDVH are used to support hospital services, purchase necessary equipment and to improve and advance animal care and welfare.

Animals will generally be discharged between 3.30pm and 5.00pm on weekdays, unless other arrangements have been made. Written notes and instructions will be provided at discharge by the Clinician treating your animal.

Please remember that you should pay your account at this time.

Your own veterinary surgeon will be contacted by telephone and in writing to explain the diagnostic procedures used and continuing treatment programme for your animal.

You may be given an appointment for a re-visit at the UCDVH at this time.

We aim to provide a routine update for hospitalised patients before 12.00pm each day, either by phone or text message. If we cannot get through to you, we will leave a voice or text message.  

Your clinician will contact you if there is any change to your animal's health or if further treatment options need to be discussed.

This service is provided to clients interested in obtaining a score from the British Veterinary Association (BVA) for their dog. The person bringing the dog to the Hospital should be the registered owner, and they will need to provide the animal's Certificate of Registration to the Irish (or English) Kennel Club. The Kennel Club registration document must include details of the parentage, dogs lineage for submission to the BVA.  If this information is omitted at the time of screening it will affect the registration of the dogs progeny, as the Sire and Dam can not be included in screening documentation retrospectively.    The dog should also be older than 1 year and microchipped; these are essential pre-requisites for the scoring process.

We offer this service on Wednesdays. The animal is brought to the Hospital in the morning, fasting from 8.00pm the day before. A small patch of fur will be clipped on the limb to facilitate venous access and administration of sedation. Once sedated the animal will have radiographs of the hips and/or the elbows; once radiographs of optimal quality are acquired, the sedation is reversed and the dog is ready to go back home within half an hour (as long as the clinician or anaesthetist in charge is happy that the animal can travel). The whole procedure takes approximately an hour.

Copies of the radiographs are sent to the BVA in London for scoring. The results can take between 4 and 6 weeks to come back; the form is sent back to the UCDVH who then forward the original document to the client.

The cost for this service is as follows:

Cost for the Hospital (to be paid in UCDVH Reception at discharge) includes sedation and radiographs
         - Hips: €125
         - Hips and elbows: €227

Cost for BVA scoring (to be paid via credit card or sterling bank draft)
         - Hips: £73.50
         - Hips and elbows: £133.50

Both costs must be covered by the client. 

This service can be booked by clicking on the link below, after which a member of our team will contact you with the next available appointment and important information regarding your screening visit.

DI Screening Appointment Booking Form

The UCD Veterinary Hospital is open between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Appointments, bookings and routine enquiries can be made during these hours.

Cases are seen by appointment only.

The UCDVH has a small car park by the main entrance to the Hospital, solely for the use of UCDVH clients. However, on arrival you must get a parking permit from the UCDVH Reception. Cars without permits will be clamped.

When your animal is under the care of a veterinary surgeon for a particular problem, it is discourteous for us to treat the case without consulting him/her first. It is also in the patient's best interests that the next person who treats it is fully aware of all the diagnostic tests, including radiographs and ultrasonographic results, and treatments that have already been carried out. This saves unnecessary repetition, wasted time, and, of course, additional expense for you.

A referral is a simple and efficient way of passing on the case, together with all the relevant information, to another veterinary surgeon for a second opinion. Your local veterinary surgeon will usually provide a letter describing the case so far, and may give you some x-ray films to bring along.

When your animal goes home, your vet will be contacted by telephone and letter so that he/she is brought up to date on the case and can take over supervision of the prescribed treatment.

All the work performed on clients' animals is done by qualified clinicians and nurses with the assistance of senior veterinary students. You will probably meet students when you first bring your animal for consultation; often the initial consultation is conducted by a final year student. Students will be involved in all aspects of your animal's care but will only work under the supervision of a qualified Clinician.

UCD Veterinary Hospital

UCD Veterinary Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 6000 | Location Map(opens in a new window)