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Information for Referring Veterinarians

Thank you for making a referral to the UCD Veterinary Hospital (UCDVH). It is our goal to provide the best medical care that can be achieved for your patients, and the best experience possible for your clients. We want your clients to return to you pleased with your primary care and pleased that you recommended that they visit the UCDVH.

The patients you refer are vital for the training of our veterinary students, as you will recall from your own days as a student. Closely supervised students will assist with the treatment of your clients' animals.  

The UCD Veterinary Hospital (UCDVH) acts as a referral centre for all veterinary practices, covering all species, in Ireland.  

To make a referral or request advice (small animal only), please see the relevant information below.

Vet Referral Form Button

A member of our Vethub team is standing by to receive your referral and emergency requests.

In general, our charges for routine patient care do not differ greatly from those of other veterinary clinics. Specialty services, however, require equipment and supplies that can be costly. The UCDVH does not receive funding specifically for the treatment of client-owned animals. The major part of the Hospital's operating budget is generated from fees from client services. Consequently, it is imperative that we collect appropriate fees for services.

It is the policy of the UCDVH to ask clients who do not have pet insurance to pay a deposit when a patient is first seen here (for medical cases €200 / for surgical cases €700). This deposit does not reflect the final cost. Treatment options and an estimate of the total cost will be provided by the clinician after the animal has been examined. The outstanding balance will have to be paid when the animal is discharged.

Should the final cost be less than the deposit, the balance will be refunded to the client at that time.

Payment is accepted in cash, cheque, debit or credit card.

All funds earned in the Hospital are used to support hospital services, purchase necessary equipment and to improve and advance animal care and welfare.

To refer an animal, please complete the online referral form at the link above and include the patient's file (relevant histories), images and reports so we may fully assess the referral and plan an appropriate appointment date.

In cases of emergency, please ensure you select the appropriate priority option in the form so we can prioritise incoming requests. 

On discharge, you will be contacted by the clinician, either by telephone or by letter. You will be given detailed information of diagnostic tests and procedures carried out, diagnosis and the type of treatment prescribed.

If you have any queries relating to the treatment of a case you referred, please contact the clinician involved, the UCDVH Clinical Director or, in the case of accounts queries, call UCDVH Accounts on (01) 716 6007.

Before ringing the UCDVH Vet Hub to seek advice about one of your patients, please complete the UCDVH Advice Form and email it to vethub@ucd.ie 

Please note, you should receive a response to your advice request within 24 - 48 hours.

UCD Veterinary Hospital

UCD Veterinary Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 6000 | Location Map(opens in a new window)