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2024 'The British Army and the Land Forces of the
Dominions: Civil War and Insurgency'
half-day conference
10 July

Civil Wars half-day conf

On Wednesday 10 July 2024, between 1300 and 1700hrs, the UCD Centre for War Studies will host a half-day conference on the topic of civil war.
Papers will be presented by: 
- Professor Douglas Delaney, Royal Military College of Canada
- Dr Edward Burke, University College Dublin
- Dr Huw Bennett, Cardiff University

Throughout the 20th century the British Army and the armies of Britain’s dominions were engaged in successive campaigns to intervene in civil wars or put down insurgencies. This half-day conference will examine British and dominion military leaders thinking about civil wars, including distinctions drawn between civil wars, internal security operations or counter-insurgency operations, and how experiences of conflicts informed doctrine and practice. After beginning with an examination of dominions’ experiences, this half-day conference will focus on British Army interventions in Northern Ireland, after its formation from 1921-1922, and again during the early Troubles of 1969-1976.

This event will take place Room K114, Newman Building, Belfield Campus between 1330 and 1700hrs on Wednesday 10 July.

Please see full details in the conference programme. All are welcome to attend. For further info please contact Dr Paul Huddie ((opens in a new window)paul.huddie1@ucd.ie). 

UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608