Claudia Gina Hassan is Associate professor of Sociology of Culture at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Director of the Inter-University Master Program in Sociology: Theory Methodology and Research (jointly offered by the University of Rome Sapienza, the University of Rome 3 and the University of Rome Tor Vergata), Vice-Director of CeRse (Roman Center for Studies of Judaism), she co-edits the journal Trauma and Memory. She was member of the network of European sociological association RN31-Ethnic Relations, Racism and anti-Semitism.
She has authored Rete e democrazia (Marsilio, 2010), Memoria e Shoah. Uno sguardo sociologico (Libriliberi, 2012), Hurban. Rappresentazioni sociali della Shoah (Libriliberi, 2016) and has co-authored with C.Pinelli, Disinformazione e democrazia (Marsilio, forthcoming 2022). Among her articles and contributions are: “Populism, racism and scapegoat” (2020) (in Alietti-Padovan eds., Clockwork enemy. Xenofobia and Racism in the Era of Neo-populism, (Mimesis International, pp. 221-239); “Memorial sites. The Ardeatine caves Mausoleum”, in Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, 2017, Vol. 38, n. 114; “Rete e Socialità. Luci ed Ombre” in ParoleChiave, Vol. V (2021), pp.47 61.
Her research focuses mainly on: the sociology of memory, social studies of the Shoah, racism and nationalisms, femicide and the nexus of internet, information and democracy.