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Rudi van Doorslaer

Rudi van Doorslaer

Professor Rudi van Doorslaer is Director of the Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society (Ceges-Soma) in Brussels, a Belgian federal research institution on wars and conflicts of the 20th  century and their impact on Belgium. He is also an Associate Professor in contemporary history at Ghent University. 

Prof. van Doorslaer was chief editor of the Cahiers d'histoire du temps présent/Bijdragen tot de Eigentijdse Geschiedenis and is author of several publications on Jewish history, migration movements, Communism and anti-Communism, the Spanish Civil War and a variety of themes related to the history of the Second World War in Belgium.

His publications include: L'assassinat de Julien Lahaut (with E. Verhoeyen, Brussels, 2010), La Belgique docile. Les autorités belges et la persécution des juifs en Belgique durant la Seconde guerre mondiale (with Emmanuel Debruyne, Frank Seberechts, Nico Wouters, Brussels, 2007). Les curateurs du ghetto. L'Association des Juifs en Belgique sous l'occupation nazie (with J.-Ph. Schreiber, Brussels, 2004), Enfants du Ghetto. Juifs révolutionnaires en Belgique, 1925-1940, (Brussels, 1997).

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UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608