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Letters from a Quiet Front: The Censored Correspondence of the Army of Andalusia during the Spanish Civil War

  • James Matthews (forthcoming 2014)
  • Bulletin of Spanish Studies

Letters from a Quiet Front


Comisarios y capellanes en la Guerra Civil española, 1936-1939: Una mirada comparativa

  • James Matthews (2013)
  • Ayer

Comisarios y capellanes


The Vanguard of Sacrifice? Political Commissars in the Republican Popular Army during the Spanish Civil War 1936-39

  • James Matthews (2014)
  • War in History

The Vanguard of Sacrifice


 Our Red Soldiers: The Nationalist Army's Management of its Left-wing Conscripts in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

  • James Matthews (2010)
  • Journal of Contemporary History

Our Red Soldiers


Moral y motivación de los movilizados forzosos del Ejército Popular de la República en la Guerra Civil Española 1936-1939

  • James Matthews (2006)
  • Studia Histórica. Historia Contemporánea

Moral y motivación

UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608