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Ethnicity and religion

  • Jennifer Todd and Joseph Ruane (2010)
  • in: Routledge Handbook on Ethnic Conflict
  • London: Routledge

Ethnicity and religion


Equality as steady state or equality as threshold? Northern Ireland after the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement of 1998

  • Jennifer Todd (2010)
  • in: The Challenges of Ethnonationalism
  • London: Palgrave Macmillan

Equality as steady state or equality as threshold? Northern Ireland after the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement of 1998



  • Jennifer Todd, Lorenazo Cañás Bottos and Nathalie Rougier (2008)
  • in: Todd, Cañás Bottos, Rougier (eds), Political Transformations and National Identity Change
  • London: Routledge



Implementing the Good Friday Agreement: civil society, the state and identity change

  • Jennifer Todd (2008) 
  • in: The Failure of the Middle East Peace Process: A Comparative Analysis of Peace implementation in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland and South Africa
  • London: Palgrave Macmillan

Implementing the Good Friday Agreement: civil society, the state and identity change


Northern nationalist political culture

  • Jennifer Todd (2008) 
  • in: Alan O'Day and N.C. Fleming (eds)., The History of Anglo-Irish Relations: From the Treaty to the Present
  • Houndsmills: Ashgate

Northern nationalist political culture


 Fluid or frozen? Choice and change in ethno-national identification in contemporary Northern Ireland

  • Jennifer Todd, T. O'Keefe, N. Rougier and L. Cañás Bottos (2008)
  • In: Todd, Cañás Bottos, Rougier (eds.), Political Transformations and Ethno-national Identity Change
  • London: Routledge

Fluid or frozen?


Two traditions in unionist political culture

  • Jennifer Todd (2007) 
  • in: Conor McGrath and Eoin O'Malley (eds.), Irish Political Studies Reader: Key Contributions
  • London: Routledge

Two traditions in unionist political culture


Communal Conflict and Emancipation: the Case of Northern Ireland

  • Jennifer Todd and Joseph Ruane (2005) 
  • in: K. Booth (ed.), Critical Security Studies and World Politics
  • London: Lynne Rienner

Communal Conflict and Emancipation: the Case of Northern Ireland


The Changing Structure of Conflict in Northern Ireland and the Good Friday

  • Jennifer Todd (2005) 
  • in: J. Coakley, B. Laffan and J. Todd (eds.), Renovation or Revolution? New Territorial Politics in Ireland and the United Kingdom
  • Dublin: UCD Press

The Changing Structure of Conflict in Northern Ireland and the Good Friday


Regional Reconfigurations: Historical Legacies and Common Pressures

  • Jennifer Todd (2005) 
  • in: J. Coakley, B. Laffan and J. Todd (eds.), Renovation or revolution? New Territorial Politics in Ireland and the United Kingdom
  • Dublin: UCD Press

Regional Reconfigurations: Historical Legacies and Common Pressures


A politics of transition in Britain, France and Spain

  • Jennifer Todd, Anne Mandeville and Joseph Ruane (2003) 
  • in: J. Ruane, J. Todd, A.Mandeville (eds.), Europe's Old States in the New World Order
  • Dublin: UCD Press

A politics of transition in Britain, France and Spain


The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict in Northern Ireland

  • Jospeh Ruane and Jennifer Todd (2003) 
  • in: J. Coakley and J. Todd (eds.), The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict
  • London: Frank Cass

The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict in Northern Ireland


The British state since devolution: reconfigurations and continuities

  • Jennifer Todd (2003) 
  • in: J. Ruane, J. Todd, A. Mandeville (eds.), Europe's Old States in the New World Order
  • Dublin: UCD Press

The British state since devolution: reconfigurations and continuities


A changed Irish nationalism? The significance of the Good Friday Agreement

  • Joseph Ruane and Jennifer Todd (2003)
  • in: J. Ruane, J. Todd, A. Mandeville (eds.), Europe's Old States in the New World Order
  • Dublin: UCD Press

A changed Irish nationalism? The significance of the Good Friday Agreement


Europe's Old States and the New World Order

  • Jennifer Todd (2003)
  • in: J. Ruane, J. Todd, A. Mandeville (eds.), Europe's Old States in the New World Order
  • Dublin: UCD Press

Europe's Old States and the New World Order


Redefining nationalism in Northern Ireland

  • Jennifer Todd (2002) 
  • in: John Coakley (ed.), Redefining the union and the nation: new perspectives on political progress in Ireland
  • Dublin: UCD Press

Redefining nationalism in Northern Ireland


Globalisation, nationalism and Northern Ireland

  • Jennifer Todd and Jospeh Ruane (2002) 
  • in: W. Crotty and D. Schmitt (eds.), Ireland on a World Stage
  • London: Pearson Education

Globalisation, nationalism and Northern Ireland

UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608