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  Book Chapters


  • John Paul Newman (2015)
  • in: William Mulligan (ed.) The Wars before the War, 1911-1914
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press



War Refusal in the Croatian

  • John Paul Newman (2015)
  • in: Nicolas Beaupré, Heather Jones and Anne Rasmussen (eds.) Dans la Guerre 1914-18: Accepter, Endurer, Refuser
  • Paris: Les Belles Lettres

War Refusal in the Croatian


Silent Liquidation? Croat Veterans and the Margins of War Memory in Interwar Yugoslavia

  • John Paul Newman (2015)
  • in: Mark Cornwall and John Paul Newman (eds.) Sacrifice and Rebirth: The Legacy of the Great War in East-Central Europe
  • London: Berghahn

Silent Liquidation?


Times of Death: The First World War and Serbia’s Twentieth Century

  • John Paul Newman (2014)
  • in: Tim Haughton, Nicholas Martin and Pierre Purseigle (eds.) Aftermath: Legacies and Memories of War in Europe 1918, 1945, 1989
  • Surrey: Ashgate

Times of Death: The First World War and Serbia’s Twentieth Century


Allied Yugoslavia: Serbia and the Culture of Victory

  • John Paul Newman (2013)
  • in: The Great War and Veterans' Internationalism.
  • London: Palgrave Macmillan

Allied Yugoslavia: Serbia and the Culture of Victory


 The Origins, Attributes and Legacies of Paramilitary Violence in the Balkans

  • John Paul Newman (2012)
  • in: Robert Gerwarth and John Horne (eds.), War In Peace. Paramilitary Violence in Europe after the Great War
  • Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press

The Origins, Attributes and Legacies


Les heritages de la Première Guerre mondiale en Croatie

  • John Paul Newman (2011)
  • in: François Bouloc, Rémy Cazals and André Loez (eds.), Identités Troublées 1914-1918: Les appartenances sociales et nationales à l'épreuve de la guerre
  • Toulouse: Editions Privat

Les heritages de la Première Guerre


Forging a United Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes: The Legacy of the First World War and the 'Invalid Question'

  • John Paul Newman (2010)
  • in: Dejan Djoki? and James Ker-Lindsay (eds.), Yugoslavia: Key Issues and Controversies
  • London: Routledge

Forging a United Kingdom


UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608