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  Book Chapters

New Church for a New State: The Serbian Orthodox Church and the creation of Yugoslavia

  • Maria Falina (forthcoming 2014)
  • in: Nadia Al Bagdadi, Ionut Biliuta and Anca Sincan (eds.), Eastern Christianity in Post-Imperial Societies
  • Budapest and New York: CEU Press

Nikola Paši?: Sloga Srbo-Hrvata, and Nikolaj Velimirovi?: Serbian Nation as Servant of God

  • Maria Falina (2014)
  • in: Diana Mishkova and Marius Turda (eds.), Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe, 1770-1945: Texts and Commentaries. Vol. IV Anti-Modernism: Radical Revisions of Collective Identity
  • Budapest and New York: CEU Press

Nikola Paši?: Sloga Srbo-Hrvata


Religion Visible and Invisible: The Case of Post-Yugoslav Anti-War Films

  • Maria Falina (2013)
  • in: Christian Schmitt and Liliya Berezhnaya, (eds.), IconicTurn(s): Religion and Nation in East European Films after 1989
  • Boston: Brill

Religion Visible and Invisible: The Case of Post-Yugoslav Anti-War Films


Between ‘Clerical Fascism’ and Political Orthodoxy: Orthodox Christianity and Nationalism in Interwar Serbia

  • Maria Falina (2008)
  • in: Matthew Feldman, Marius Turda, Tudor Georgescu (eds.), Clerical Fascism in Interwar Europe
  • New York and London: Routledge

Between ‘Clerical Fascism’ and Political Orthodoxy: Orthodox Christianity and Nationalism in Interwar Serbia


UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608