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Nation-States and Nationalisms: Organization, Ideology and Solidarity

  • Siniša Maleševi? (2013)
  • Cambridge: Polity

Nation-States and Nationalisms


The Sociology of War and Violence

  • Siniša Maleševi? (2010)
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

The Sociology of War and Violence


Identity as Ideology: Understanding Ethnicity ad Nationalism

  • Siniša Maleševi? (2006)
  • New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Identity as Ideology: Understanding Ethnicity ad Nationalism


 The Sociology of Ethnicity

  • Siniša Maleševi? (2004)
  • London: Sage

The Sociology of Ethnicity


Ideology, Legitimacy and the New State: Yugoslavia, Servbia and Croatia

  • Siniša Maleševi? (2002)
  • London: Frank Cass/Routledge

Ideology, Legitimacy and the New State: Yugoslavia, Servbia and Croatia


Cultural Centres in Central Europe and Eastern Europe

  • Siniša Maleševi? (1995)
  • Zagreb: IMO

Cultural Centres in Central Europe and Eastern Europe




Nationalism and War

  • Siniša Maleševi? and J. Hall (2013)
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Nationalism and War


Ernest Gellner and Contemporary Social Thought

  • Siniša Maleševi? and M. Haugaard (2007)
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Ernest Gellner and Contemporary Social Thought


Making Sense of Collectivity: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Globalization

  • Siniša Maleševi? and M. Haugaard (2002)
  • London: Pluto

Making Sense of Collectivity: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Globalization


Ideology after Poststructuralism

  • Siniša Maleševi? and I.MacKenzie (2002)
  • London: Pluto

Ideology after Poststructuralism


Culture in Central and Eastern Europe: Institutional and Value Changes

  • Siniša Maleševi? (2002)
  • Zagreb: IMO

Culture in Central and Eastern Europe: Institutional and Value Changes

UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608