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Russian Nursing Values Beyond War and Revolution

  • Susan Grant (forthcoming 2015)
  • in: Matthias Neumann and Andrew Willimott (eds.), Rethinking the Russian Revolution as Historical Divide: Tradition, Rupture, and Modernity
  • London: Routledge

Russian Nursing Values Beyond War and Revolution


From War to Peace: Russian Nurses, 1917-1922

  • Susan Grant (forthcoming 2015)
  • in: Adele Lindenmeyr and Christopher Read (eds.), Russia’s Home Front, 1917-1922: The Experience of War and Revolution
  • Bloomington Indiana: Slavica

From War to Peace: Russian Nurses, 1917-1922


UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608