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Academic Year 2009-10

  Warlordism in the Russian Civil War
16 October

Prof. Joshua Sanborn (Lafayette College)

Joshua Sanborn is Professor of Russian History and Director of the Russian and East European Studies Program at Lafayette College. He is the author of ‘Drafting the Russian Nation: Military Conscription, Total War, and Mass Politics, 1905–1925’ (2003); and co-author (with Annette Timm) of ‘Gender, Sex, and the Shaping of Modern Europe’ (2007). He is currently working on a book project tentatively entitled ‘Life on the Frontier of Death: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Ecosystem of War in Russia, 1914–1918.’

5 November

Beyond Istanbul's 'Laz Underworld': Ottoman Paramilitarism and the Rise of Turksh

Dr Ryan Gingeras (New York)

Ryan Gingeras is Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Long Island University. He received his doctorate in history from the University of Toronto in 2006.


12 November

Remembering Gallipoli in Australia and Ireland: Parallel Lives, Poles Apart

Prof. Stuart James Ward (University College Dublin)

Stuart Ward is Keith Cameron Professor of Australian History at the UCD Australian Studies Center, UCD School of History and Archives.


20 November

Suicide at the end of the Third Reich

Dr Christian Goeschel (Birkbeck, University of London)

Christian Goeschel is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology at the Birkbeck University of London. He recently published his book Suicide in Nazi Germany (2009).

29 January

The battle of Legnano (1176) and Italian National Identity

Dr Edward Coleman (University College Dublin)

Edward Coleman is a lecturer at the School of History and Archives.

18 February 

Policing and Labour Control: Political Economies of Colonial Violence in the Inter-War Years

Prof. Martin Thomas (University of Exeter)

Professor Martin currently conducts research into colonial security services, state violence and oppositional nationalism. His interests centre on the relationships between state intelligence gathering, police power and the political economy of imperial rule. He recently published his book ‘Empires of Intelligence? Security Services and Colonial Disorder after 1914’, University of California Press 2007.

4 March

Iraqi Insurgency of 1920

Prof. Charles Townshend (Keele University)

Professor Townshend main research interests are modern political terrorism and the British mandate in Palestine from 1917 to 1947. His most recent publications are ‘Easter 1916: the Irish Rebellion’ (Penguin, 2005) and ‘Terrorism: A very short Introduction’ (Oxford 2002)

30 March 

Reflections on Natalie Davis’s “Rites of Violence”

Prof. Stuart Carroll (University of York)

Professor Carroll began research work on political culture during the Wars of Religion and particularly on the interface between noble followings and popular religious mentalities. More recently he has published a major book on violence in early modern France. He is a two-time winner of Nancy Roelker prize for the best article published in English in early modern France. This seminar is being held in conjunction with Trinity College Dublin and the UCD School of History and Archives as part of the Dublin Seminar in Reformation History and with the UCD Centre for War Studies.

9 April

 Local Identities and Transnational Conflict: the Katangese Gendarmes and Central- Southern Africa's Forty-Years War, 1960-1999

Dr Miles Larmer (University of Sheffield)

Dr Miles Larmer is currently lecturer in International History at the University of Sheffield. He has written widely on Zambian political and labour history and on social movements in Southern Africa. He is the author of Mineworkers in Zambia: Labour and Political Change in Post-Colonial Africa, 1964 – 1991, I.B. Tauris (London & New York, 2007).

UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608