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Design Library - Grid

The Grid uses a combination of two Content Types. The Content Type 'Design Library - InsideGridOpen' should appear at the start on the section and is followed by the Content Type 'Design Library - InsideGridTitleImage'. Each 'Design Library - InsideGridTitleImage' represents one grid item in rows of four.

Design Library - Grid Open

Contains a field for a name (use relevant names for your Components as the name is visible when using Components such as the Jump Menu) and a field for a 'Title'.

'Background Colour' allows you to select a background colour for the grid.

Design Library - Grid Item

This content type displays each iten in the grid. There are multiple ways that content can be displayed and new topions are included as part of the Design Library. The Grid Item contains a field for 'Name', 'Title' (this appears as the grid item heading), 'Image' (Images are now optional, dimensions for a grid image are 370px x 370px), an option for an Internal or External link, 'Subtitle' (accomodates a short description with a max of 250 characters), 'Icon' (a new option best used with a solid background colour and accomodating an icon from the (opens in a new window)Line Awesome library), 'Background Colour' (which options of Blue, Bright Green, Gold, Navy, Rich Green and White) and 'Half Overlay' (used with 'Image' to display an overlay for the text 'Title'.

Line Awesome Icons

There is also a field for an icon and a list of this icons can be found on the Line Awesome website:

Copy the class for the Icon you want to use into the 'Icon (Line Awesome)' field. As an example, the first block below uses the class 'las la-globe'.

Site Contact Component

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: sample.name@ucd.ie |

This component appears on every page of the site and is located in the section 'contactfooter'. Fields will only appear if populated with content. The 'contactfooter' section also contains separate components for each social media item.