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Research Papers

Conference papers and invited talks relating to the research project.  


Conference Papers

  • Máire McCafferty, ‘”Re-Irishising Ireland”: Coláistí Samhraidh na Gaeilge agus Leathadh an Oideachais Ghaelaigh, 1904-1930.’ (Comhdháil Mhic Léinn na Ceiltise 2021, UCD) Deireadh Fómhair, 2021
  • Máire McCafferty, ‘Pupil and Teacher Experience 2: The Formation of the Irish Summer Colleges, 1904-1930.’ (Aoichaint ar an modúl 'Educating Ireland' atá mar chuid den mháistreacht ghairmiúil san oideachas, UCD) Samhain, 2021
  • Ríona Nic Congáil, ‘Radicalised Youth? The Irish-Language Summer College and the Shaping of Irish National Culture, 1904-1920’, Children’s History Society and Manchester Centre for Youth Studies Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University (June 2021).
  • Ríona Nic Congáil, ‘Children’s Voices During the Revivalist Period: The Irish Language’s Answer to the Brontë Sisters’, Society for the History of Childhood and Youth 2021 conference, NUI Galway (June 2021).
  • Máire McCafferty, ‘“Education Interrupted?” The Irish Language Summer College and the Provision of an Alternative Education, 1904-1930’, Society for the History of Childhood and Youth 2021 Conference, NUI Galway (June 2021).
  • Ríona Nic Congáil, ‘Glórtha na nÓg i dTréimhse na hAthbheochana’, American Conference for Irish Studies, Ulster University Magee Campus (June 2021).
  • Máire McCafferty, ‘Oideachas Éagsúil don Aos Óg?: Coláistí Samhraidh na Gaeilge, 1904-1930’, American Conference for Irish Studies, Ulster University Magee Campus (June 2021).
  • Ríona Nic Congáil, ‘Dialanna na mBan Óg i dTréimhse na hAthbheochana’, An Dialann sa Ghaeilge, Dublin City University (April 2021).

Invited Presentations

  • Ríona Nic Congáil, ‘An Óige agus an Athbheochan’ Ó Thrácht go Twitter, School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore, University College Dublin (April 2021).
  • Ríona Nic Congáil, ‘Youth Engagement in Celtic Languages: The Irish Language Perspective’, Eighth Annual Conference of the Association of Celtic Students of Ireland and Britain, University College Dublin (October 2020).

Radio Interviews

UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: riona.niccongail@ucd.ie | Location Map