Are you:
- A UCD/NCAD academic researcher
- A UCD/NCAD staff member
- A UCD/NCAD postgraduate research student
Do you:
- Have some technology that you think could be commercialised but are not sure where to start?
- Have an invention that solves a problem better than current solutions?

Would you like to spend a short amount of time figuring out:
- If your idea is feasible
- How you might commercialise it
- Whether commercialisation is something you are interested in doing more of
- If so, then the new UCD Commercialisation Bootcamp is for you.
Projects applying for the programme will be screened by UCD’s Knowledge Transfer team and a maximum of 15 projects will take part on each programme.
The next 2022 UCD Commercialisation Bootcamp will run from 10am -1pm on Tuesday 1st, 8th and 15th November, in person @NovaUCD.
How to apply:
Participation on the UCD Commercialisation Bootcamp will be based on the entry criteria outlined above. Please complete the UCD Commercialisation Bootcamp Application Form, see link below, and forward it via email to
[button title="UCD Commercialisation Bootcamp Application Form" url="" color="tile-green"]