Women in STEM

Visit the Women in STEM website at https://www.ucd.ie/wits/
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(opens in a new window)https://twitter.com/ucdsciencewomen
(opens in a new window)https://twitter.com/womeninstem_ucd?lang=en
Conor Sweeney

Conor Sweeney is a lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, UCD. His research interests include: using Numerical Weather Prediction models for improved forecasting for wind and solar energy, analysing historical and projected future climate data to identify changes in extreme events for renewable energy, and using machine learning methods to improve the skill of long range forecasting.
Aine Byrne

I am a Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Before joining UCD, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Neural Sciences, New York University. I obtained my PhD in Mathematical Sciences at the University of Nottingham in 2017. My research interests lie in using mathematics to understand how the brain works. Broadly, I am interested in synchronisation. How do individual neurons (brain cells) synchronise to create coherent network oscillations? How do brain area synchronise their activity to communicate and exchange information? How do neural oscillations synchronise to an external stimulus? In my work, I utilise dynamical systems theory and statistical physics to begin to answer these types of questions.
CJ Clarke

My name is CJ and I am a second-year PhD student researching latent variable models for collections of networks. I've been studying in UCD since 2016, with a BSc in Mathematics and a MSc in Data and Computational Science, so far. I have always been one of few women in the classroom and so I am really passionate about encouraging women to pursue degrees/careers in STEM.