Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe

HORIZON EUROPE 2022 CALLS ARE NOW OPEN!! Details of these calls are available on the Funding and Tenders Portal, here.
Full details about Horizon Europe including the programme structure, mission areas and European partnerships, can be found on the European Commission website, here.
Download the Health work programme (WP4) for 2021-2022, which has been officially published online, here.
Download the Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment work programme (WP9), here.
Access all work programmes and call documents for 2021-2022, here.
Horizon Europe open calls can be found on the EC Funding & Tenders portal, here.
Watch a Youtube recording of a webinar session titled The Funding & Tenders Portal for Beginners, here.
The Horizon Europe Strategic Plan for 2021-2023 can be found here.
A note on some of the types of actions (RIA, CSA) funded under Horizon Europe can be found here.
Information on the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale can be found here.
Online magazing Science|Business posts frequent useful updates on Horizon Europe, including a live blog.
UCD Proposal Support
The UCD Research Office provides specialist support to researchers applying for EU funding. Contact the office here.
Chantal Keijzer provides support for Horizon Europe in the areas of Health (Cluster 1), Digital, Industry and Space (Cluster 4), and European Innovation Council.
Margaret Walsh provides support for Horizon Europe in the areas of Climate, Energy and Mobility (Cluster 5), Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (Cluster 6) and MSCA ITN, RISE and COFUND.
Other Support
Enterprise Ireland coordinates the cross-governmental network of national contact points for Horizon Europe in Ireland. Their dedicated website can be found here.
A series of webinars introducing each of the clusters in Pillar 2 (developed by KTN Global Alliance and Innovate UK) can be found here.