Reach out to wider audiences
There's more to promoting research than tweeting and posting on Instagram. Use these guides to connect with a wider audience, including policymakers, the mainstream media, conference-goers, and more.
Inform policy
Find out about the many ways your research can contribute to the policymaking process, and learn how to write for a policy audience. See more >
Promote research at conferences
Conferences are an important way of drawing attention to your work. Make the most of them to get your research noticed. See more >
Develop your network
Take advantage of traditional approaches to building a network and finding future collaborators. See more >
Engage with the media
The media can be an effective means of reaching target audiences. See our advice on how to do this and when it may be appropriate. See more >
Think outside the box
Have you ever considered a giving a performance or making an online game to promote your research? Learn from those who did. See more >
Run your own event
Online webinars and other speaking events are here to stay. Take a look at our tips on how to make the most of free and professional services. See more >