News and Events
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Has Been Ranked the No. 1 Scholar in Food Engineering in the World
- 10 Years, 1% of the World: A Decade of Global Research Impact by Professor Da-Wen Sun
- Early First-Year PhD Student Leads Review Paper in Prominent Food Science and Technology Journal
- Breaking Records Again: Professor Da-Wen Sun Celebrates 9th Consecutive Year as a Highly Cited Researcher
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Elected as Fellow of the Asia Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)
- Another Record – Professor Da-Wen Sun Named Highly Cited Researcher in 8th Consecutive Year
- Research Output of Professor Da-Wen Sun Continues Topping UCD
- Two Papers by Professor Da-Wen Sun Among Most Downloaded and Cited in Last 3 Years
- In 7th Consecutive Year – Professor Da-Wen Sun Named 2021 Highly Cited Researcher
- PhD Student’s Paper Selected as “Editors’ Choice” Article
- First Research Paper and ACA Featured Article of Professor Da-Wen Sun on Terahertz Imaging Applications Published
- A New High in Successful CSC Applications
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Publishes Paper in Internationally Most Prestigious Journal (Impact Factor: 42.846)
- Six-Times Winner: Professor Da-Wen Sun Named Highly Cited Researcher Again
- 100% Success Rate for the Students of Professor Da-Wen Sun for Their CSC Scholarship Applications
- A Milestone — Professor Da-Wen Sun’s H-Index (Web of Science) Reaches 100
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Named Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate in the 5th Consecutive Year
- Chinese Senior Diplomats Visit UCD Food Engineering Laboratories
- Professor Da-Wen Sun tops the World Ranking in ESI Highly Cited Papers
- Seven Review Papers by Professor Da-Wen Sun Published in Issue 5 of Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
- Computational Fluid Dynamics in Food Processing (Second Edition) by Professor Da-Wen Sun has been published!
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Named Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate in the 4th Consecutive Year
- Modern Techniques for Food Authentication (Second Edition) by Professor Da-Wen Sun has been published!
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Conferred with Certificate of Foreign Member of Polish Academy of Sciences
- Another Well-Deserved Honourable Distinction for Professor Da-Wen Sun, a World-Renowned Food Scientist
- "Computational Fluid Dynamics in Food Processing" (2nd Edition, 592 Pages) by Professor Da-Wen Sun Available Soon
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Conferred with Honorary Doctorate Degree from Peru 2018
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Elected Academician of International Academy of Refrigeration
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Presented with iAABE Founding President Gavel and iAABE Fellow Certificate
- Modern Techniques for Food Authentication 2018
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Elected as a Foreign Member of PAN 2017
- A fresh look at freezing foods: new technology to preserve nutrients 2017
- Professor Da-Wen Sun named as Highly Cited Researcher in the 3rd Year 2017
- UCD Professor Da-Wen Sun named highly cited researcher by Thomson Reuters in 2016
- Professor Da-Wen Sun has been elected the New President of the IAABE 2016
- Professor Da-Wen Sun given Title of CIGR Honorary President 2016
- Chinese Vice-Minister Tan Tianxing Visits UCD 2016
- Professor Da-Wen Sun named as 2015 Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher
- UCD Professor's Research Publications in Agricultural Sciences Ranked No.1 in the World 2015
- Three PhD Students Supervised by Professor Da-Wen Sun Passed Their PhD Vivas in September 2014
- UCD Professor Da-Wen Sun is awarded International Research Award in 2013
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Elected Fellow of IAFoST in 2012
- Chinese Ambassador to Ireland Pays Visit to Professor Da-Wen Sun in 2012
- Two New Handbooks Published by UCD Professor Da-Wen Sun in 2011
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Awarded Membership of Academia Europaea in 2011
- Senior Chinese Diplomats Pay Visit to Professor Da-Wen Sun in 2010
- Infrared Spectroscopy for Food Quality Analysis and Control by Professor Da-Wen Sun
- UCD Professor Da-Wen Sun Continues to Lead World Rankings in Agriculture Sciences in 2010
- Major Success in EU 7th Framework Funding by UCD Biosystems Engineering Professor Da-Wen Sun in 2010
- Professor Da-Wen Sun Elected President of International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering in 2010
- Highest honour Received by Professor Da-Wen Sun in 2010
- Major Research Funding Received by UCD Biosystems Engineering Professor Da-Wen Sun in 2009
- UCD Professor Da-Wen Sun Tops the World Rankings in Agriculture Sciences in 2008
- Professor Da-Wen Sun and His Student Receive Major International Awards in 2008
- Modern Techniques For Food Authentication 1st edition 2008
- Indian Minister Presents Award to Professor Da-Wen Sun in 2007
- UCD Professor Da-Wen Sun Appointed Editor-in-Chief of New International Journal in 2007
Professor Da-Wen Sun Elected as a Foreign Member of Polish Academy of Sciences
Monday, 5 March, 2018
Professor Da-Wen Sun, UCD Professor of Food and Biosystems Engineering from UCD School of Agricultural and Food Engineering, has been elected as a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polish: Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN). The election is the highest lifetime honours bestowed by the Polish government. Professor Sun has been elected on the basis of his exceptional contributions to the development of agricultural and food engineering in Poland, and his extensive research collaborations with Polish scientists.
Founded in 1952, the Polish Academy of Sciences is the most significant scientific institution in Poland with its roots dating back to 1800 when the Warsaw Learned Society was established. Besides its role as a learned society it also has a strong influence as a scientific advisory body andoversees 79 scientific institutions, employing about 9,400 people and spending about a third of the national budget on science. The academy is composed of national and foreign members, who are appointed for life. All members are elected by the general assembly among candidates with the highest scientific achievements and of recognised authority. Membership to PAN is limited to just 350 scientists and engineers. Together, they comprise the governing body of the state scientific institution and a major scientific advisory body both within and outside of Poland.
Professor Sun is a world authority in food engineering research and education. His many scholarly works have become standard reference materials for researchers in the areas of computer vision / hyperspectral imaging, computational fluid dynamics modelling, vacuum cooling, etc. Results of his work have been published in more than 500 peer-reviewed journal papers (Web of Science h-index = 84, SCOPUS h-index = 89) with 38 papers being designated by ESI as highly cited papers. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honours including election to the Royal Irish Academy in 2010, selection as a Member of Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe) in 2011, induction as a Fellow of International Academy of Food Science and Technology in 2012, and award as a Fellow of International Academy of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering in 2016. Among other international recognitions, Professor Sun was the recipient of the CIGR Fellow Award in 2010, the Freezing Research Award in 2013 from International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) and the IAEF Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015 from International Association of Engineering and Food (IAEF). He has also been honoured as one of the “Highly Cited Researchers” in the last 3 consecutive years (2015- 2017) by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters).