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Grade Approvals Process (GAP)

The University uses a three-stage Grade Approval Process to ensure the accuracy and integrity of grades released to students following each trimester. This process also includes the approval of Stage and Award GPAs.

1: Grade Entry and Modular Coordinator Review

This stage starts with the entry of grades into the University's systems. After completing grade entry, Module Coordinators should conduct a review of these grades.. This stage of the Grade Approvals Process is complete once the Module Coordinator has signed off on the module in My Module Grades.

2: School Modular Examination Committee

The second stage, conducted at the School level, involves the School Modular Examination Committee (SMEC) and its associated activities. This stage is crucial for upholding the accuracy and integrity of module grades within the School. The format and composition of the SMEC are determined by each School and may vary. The Head of School formally closes this stage by signing off on the School's grades, thereby notifying relevant programmes that the grades have been entered and reviewed.

3: Programme Examination Boards

The final stage includes student performance, progression, and completion, falling under the purview of Programme Examination Boards. These Boards function as sub-committees of the Governing Board within a designated programme area. Their tasks include reviewing and approving stage grades and awarding GPAs to students enrolled in programmes within their jurisdiction. These functions are completed within the PEB reporting framework. Once this stage is complete, the Chair of the Programme Examination Board signs off on the individual programs, indicating to Assessment, UCD Registry that the grades and GPAs can be released to students. 

See the Assessment Key Dates for relevant deadlines of each of the Grade Approvals Process periods during an academic year.

GAP workflows image

Information for Module Coordinators

The role of the Module Coordinator (MC) in the Grade Approvals Process are as follows:

Module Coordinators Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Ensure grades are entered into University systems (via Brightspace or InfoHub) not later than 20 working days after the assessment submission as per the assessment strategy or by the grade entry deadline, whichever comes first. 
  2. Ensure the validity and accuracy of grades.
  3. Confirm the validity and accuracy of grades to the school through the module sign-off and observation functions. 
  4. Ensure that module sign-off is completed prior to each trimester's School Modular Examination Committee (SMEC) meetings.
  5. Participate in the school review process through the School Modular Examination Committee.
  6. Commit Grades to Academic History by the appropriate deadlines (see the Assessment Key Dates page).

It is crucial that all the steps above are completed accurately and in line with the published GAP timelines, as all subsequent GAP stages depend on this information. This is also important for quality assurance purposes.

The Grading Support Team provides guides and support for Module Coordinators, accessible during the GAP and throughout the year. These can be accessed through the links below or by emailing grading.support@ucd.ie.

Before the Grade Entry period of the Grade Approvals Process, it is essential that the Assessment & Feedback information listed in the CMS is reviewed and maintained. The CMS details are required to ensure grade entry on My Module Grades and facilitate centralised End-of-Trimester exam timetabling where sought. As per section 3.14 of the (opens in a new window)Academic Regulations, it is the responsibility of the module coordinator to ensure that the information included in the module descriptor is complete and accurate.

The Curriculum Management System (CMS) allows module coordinators to record and amend information associated with their module descriptors

If an Assessment Strategy needs updating and the CMS is closed for edits you have to raise a Module Exemption request.

There are three methods available for grade entry.

  • Manual Grade Entry.
  • Brightspace Transfer.
  • Upload Component/ Final Grades.

A description of these, as well as guides and videos, can be found in the (opens in a new window)Grade Entry section of this website.

My Module Grades, the grading hub for module coordinators on InfoHub, provides comprehensive real-time data for comparison and analysis.

In My Module Grades, Module Coordinators (MC) can:

  • Review overall and general grade and module information.
  • Review Grade Distributions that show yearly trends, component distributions and distributions between different cohorts partaking in the module.

Each module coordinator has discretion over how they use these reports. However, it is essential to review the accuracy of the entered grades after they are entered. This is achieved using the Grade Information Screen within My Module Grades. A My Module Grades - Guide (pdf)  and My Module Grades - Reports (pdf) are available as well as videos on (opens in a new window)How to Access My Module Grades and (opens in a new window)My Module Grades Reports.

Module Coordinators (MCs) commit grades to academic history after the appropriate School Modular Examination Committee (SMEC) meeting, prior to the Assessment bulk processing. The function that allows MCs to commit grades is on the Module Results Sheet within the Grade Information Page. This will show how many grades can be committed instead of how many students are registered to the module, highlighting any invalid or missing grades. MCs can only commit grades during the GAP while the SMEC meetings are ongoing and at no other time of the year. Information on how and when to commit grades can be found in our My Module Grades - Guide (pdf) and (opens in a new window)How to commit grades to academic history video.

Historical grades cannot be committed to academic history in this way. MCs can request that the Grading Support Team commit grades for terms before the current academic term by emailing (opens in a new window)grading.support@ucd.ie

The purpose of the sign-off function is to indicate to the school that module grades have been entered and reviewed before the School Modular Examination Committee (SMEC) meetings. Module Coordinator (MC) sign-off is on the My Module Grade page in InfoHub. Sign-off is obligatory, and the ACCE monitors compliance with module sign-off requirements. The sign-off does not roll grades to academic history and does not affect an MC’s ability to edit grades within the timeline of the GAP.

The Observation function, beside the green sign-off button, allows Module Coordinators to add comments to a module. This text will stay with the module throughout the GAP process. The observations are also available to both the SMEC and PEB committees. The observations can include anything the module coordinator deems relevant, such as explanations of grade curves, high-level comments on the class's performance, or challenges that arose during the module. Module observations should not include comments on individual students. 

Guidance on using both sign-off and observations can be found in our (opens in a new window)My Module Grades Reports video.

All Module Coordinators (MCs) have automatic access to their module(s) reports. The Module Coordinator can also grant access to individuals in the following roles: 

  • Module Assistants 
  • Lecturer / Co-Lecturer 
  • Assistant Grader 

Access to the Module Coordinator Grading Reports is managed through Module Access Management. These three roles have full access to all reporting. However, module sign-off and commit to academic history can only be completed by MCs.

MCs also have automatic access to the School Grading Summary report. This report gives all module grades as well as a number of school distribution and exceptional grade reports. Information on accessing and using this report can be found in our My Module Grades - Reports (pdf)

Tutor access is more restricted. They can only view and enter grades for the component to which the MC grants approval. This is done through the My Module Grades Tutor button. Details of this can be found on our (opens in a new window)Grade Entry webpage.

Information for Schools

Schools have a number of roles and responsibilities during the Grade Approvals Process (GAP) period as per Academic Regulations 4.18 and 4.21. These roles are outlined below but can be summarised as ensuring the school grades are present, accurate, and consistent.

School Modular Examination Committee Roles and Responsibilities

  • Ensure final module grades are entered into University systems as soon as possible and no later than the deadline specified by the Academic Council.
  • Confirm the module grades submitted across Subjects/School have been reviewed and approved. 
  • Assure the quality of the grading process through checks to identify missing grades, grade errors, registration issues, and review grading trends.
  • Ensure sign-off is completed before the end of the SMEC process each trimester, and prior to the Programme Exam Boards.

These functions can be fulfilled within the School Grading Summary report on InfoHub. Schools must also sign off on their grades to indicate to the Programme Exam Boards that they have been reviewed and approved. The School Modular Examination Committees (SMEC) are responsible for completing these tasks. The way a School organises this work and its SMEC meetings is fully at the school's discretion.

For the School Modular Examination Committee (SMEC) to complete its work, all grades must be entered by the necessary deadlines. The University grading deadlines for the different GAP periods are on our Assessment Key Dates webpage.

The school can monitor which module grades are entered and which are outstanding through the School Grading Summary report in InfoHub. Further information can be found in our School Grading Summary (pdf) and our (opens in a new window)School Grading Summary - School Information Reports video.

Every module on the report will show how many grades have been entered and whether the grading of that module is complete.

Module Coordinators (MCs) conduct the primary audit of module grades before the SMEC meetings. MCs confirm completion of this audit by signing off on the grades through the My Module Grades page on InfoHub. This sign-off is mandatory, and the school is required to monitor MC sign-off of all modules within their School.

Schools have discretion in determining the methods for further school-wide audits and integrity checks. Some schools prefer a statistical approach, while others conduct comparative analyses. The School Grading Summary reports include grade distributions and exceptional grade listings.  Further information can be found in our School Grading Summary (pdf) and our (opens in a new window)School Grading Summary - School Information Reports video.

While external examiners play a crucial role the grading quality assurance process, they are not formally part of the Grade Approval Process.

After the School Modular Examination Committee (SMEC) completes its review and approves all modules and grades, the school must sign off on the report. This mandatory sign-off is visible to the Programme Examination Board committees. In addition to the sign-off, schools can add observations visible to the PEB committees to highlight any issues, challenges, or other relevant information.

This process is also applicable at the subject level. Although not mandatory, subject sign-offs and observations promote the efficient operation of SMEC meetings.

All school faculty members and administrative support staff should have automatic access to the School Grading Summary reporting.

If you are a member of the SMEC and don’t have access to the School Grading Summary. Please see Data Detective - on Infohub, where you can request access to the report.  

Information for Programme Exam Boards

In accordance with the Academic Regulations, each Programme Examination Board should have a Terms of Reference (see(opens in a new window) sample ToRs for guidance). The Chair of a PEB is typically the Chair of the Governing Board. 

During the Grade Approvals Process, the Programme Exam Board (PEB) has a number of responsibilities, which are outlined under Academic Regulation 1.9 - 1.11 and summarised below: 

  • Consideration and approval of grades submitted by Schools. 
  • Approval of the progression of students on taught programmes. 
  • Recommendation of final award classification under the delegated authority of the Academic Council. 
  • Reflection on student performance, grade distributions and other assessment matters.

Programme Examination Boards will approve the student’s academic history for release during a Grade Approvals Process using the Programme sign-off facility on their PEB reporting.

Programme Examination Boards (PEBs) use the following reports to identify anomalies in student registration and associated grade data before conducting a formal review. Reviewing the Programme Audit Reports before the GAP timelines is recommended. These reports can be reviewed from the time of student registration until the scheduled start of Assessment Bulk Processing, according to the relevant GAP timelines in the Assessment Key Dates. This ensures the accuracy of all student registration and grade-related data and allows for the identification and resolution of issues before the Programme Examination Boards convene.

Programme Audit Reports are located under Assessment & Grading Programme Audit Reports on Infohub. 

Use the Programme Audit Reports (pdf) and (opens in a new window)Programme Audit Reports video for assistance.

Credit Anomalies report:

The Credit Anomaly report lists students with zero earned credits and students who may have over or under-registered for credit in their Stage. Students might legitimately have credits that differ from the standard program credits. However, this report can help identify errors or omissions in registration and missing transfer credits.

Recommended timing: This report should be used when module registration is finalised at the start of a trimester and before grade entry.

Stage Anomalies report:

The Stage Anomaly report is used to identify students with the following stage issues:

  • Stage Missing.
  • Stage X modules.
  • Non-existent stage - for example, a programme has only 3 stages, but a student has a module registered to Stage 4.

Stages can be assigned before a module is committed to academic history through Infohub Student Registration & Class Lists. If stage errors are identified after grades have been committed to academic history, a Stage Reassignment Request is required. However, it should be noted that per Academic Regulations 6.8, "After a stage GPA is awarded, it may not be adjusted, save in the case of identified error on the part of the University or fraud." 

Recommended timing: This report should be used when module registration is finalised at the start of a trimester and before to grade entry.

Grade Issue report:

The Grade Issues report displays the programme totals of grades that were not entered or not committed to academic history. The report provides further details about the modules in question and enables direct follow-up with the module coordinator by email. Missing and uncommitted grades will not appear on PEB reporting and, therefore, cannot be confirmed at the Programme Examination Board.

Recommended timing: This report should be used after the Grade Entry deadline and before the closure of the Grade Entry system in any Grade Approvals Process period. See the Assessment Key Dates page.

Outstanding Exceptional Grades report:

This report lists outstanding exceptional grades, such as IX, IH, IA, and IM, by programme, over the past five academic years. The modules in question are listed, enabling direct email follow-up with the module coordinator.

Recommended timing: This report can be used at any point to monitor outstanding exceptional grades.

Programme Withdrawals report:

The Programme Withdrawals report displays the number of withdrawn students from all programmes under a Governing Board, along with the withdrawal date. This report is available throughout the academic year. Further details on the student record can be obtained from the numbers provided on the report. 

Recommended timing: This report can be used anytime to monitor programme withdrawals.

Student Progression Issues report:

The Student Progression Issues report identifies students with incomplete stages, indicating they cannot progress. The information is displayed by Board, trimester, programme and stage. 

Student-level information is accessible by clicking on the total after selecting the correct program, trimester, and stage combination. This student listing shows;

  • the students’ stage credits
  • the number of trimesters the student has been taking modules from the stage
  • The red button allows access to the failed or incomplete modules, causing the lack of progression. 
  • From the student number you can drill to the Student Degree Audit Report for each student. 

Recommended timing: This report should be used from the end of the Assessment Bulk Processing of any Grade Approvals Process period. See the Assessment Key Dates page.

  • The Programme Exam Board (PEB) will review all School Observation and Sign Offs for a given Grade Approvals Process period in the School Observations of their PEB reporting. 
  • The PEB will confirm with the School(s) that all grades have been appropriately reviewed and approved by the School.
  • The PEB can review the Grade Issues report in Programme Audit Reports to assist in reviewing grades for their programmes not entered or not committed to academic history for a given academic year. 
  • Grades not entered, reviewed and approved during a Grade Approvals Process will not be released to students.
  • A PEB can review a module's Fail and Exceptional grades (ABS, IA, IM, IH, IX, WN) by using the Exceptions button on their PEB reporting.

The PEB can review students' progression and performance using the following data by Stage within a programme. 

Using the Distributions button on their reporting the following data is available for review:

  • Module Grade Distribution
  • GPA Stage Distribution
  • GPA Stage Distribution 3-Year trend 
  • Award Distribution and trend
  • Average Stage GPA by Region
  • Average Stage GPA by Scholarship
  • Average Stage GPA by Entry Route

See Slides 13 - 15 of  Programme Exam Board Reporting (pdf) or (opens in a new window)Programme Exam Board PEB Reporting video.

A student listing is available for each Stage of a programme on the PEB reporting. Stage GPAs coloured black indicate a student has completed that Stage. Stage GPAs coloured red indicate a student is incomplete for that Stage. 

The PEB will use the Student Progression Issue report in Programme Audit reporting to review and reflect on students who have not earned enough credits to progress to the next stage of their programme.

See Programme Audit Reports (pdf)  and Programme Exam Board Reporting (pdf) as well (opens in a new window)Programme Audit Reports and (opens in a new window)Programme Exam Board PEB Reporting video.

  • The Programme Exam Board (PEB) will review and approve all Award GPAs and classifications on their PEB reporting before the official release of results to students.
  • The PEB will ensure an Award GPA and classification is generated for all students eligible for an award.
  • If a generated Award should be blocked from being released to the student, the PEB must contact (opens in a new window)grading.support@ucd.ie, who will advise on how to proceed.
  • Please be aware of Acdemic Regulations 6.16: "The graduation of a student marks the final completion of their programme. An Award GPA may not be altered following graduation."

As a sub-committee of the Governing Board a PEB may make recommendations on programme structure or content to the Governing Board.

The Chair and Secretary (usually Director of School/College Office) of the Programme Exam Board have automatic access to the PEB reporting. 

Further access is granted by the Chair or Secretary through the Board Membership function in their PEB reporting.

Special Programme Exam Boards

A Special Programme Exam Board is a programme-specific Grade Approval Process that falls outside the four standard university Grade Approval Process timelines (see Assessment Key Dates).

Special Programme Exam Boards are an option for programmes with non-standard Assessment timelines. These boards aim to ensure that students progress or complete their programme by a particular date.

The timelines and actions for a Special PEB will be coordinated by the requesting College/Governing Board.

Module Coordinator:

  • The Module Coordinator (MC) will ensure all relevant grades are entered and reviewed in My Module Grades ahead of the agreed date. For Special Programme Exam Boards, Grading Support will commit the grades to academic history, as this functionality is not available to Module Coordinators outside the standard Grade Approval Processes. 
  • The module coordinator will Sign Off on their grade entry and add Observations where appropriate.


  • Ensure Module Coordinators enter and review grades within the agreed timelines for the relevant modules. 
  • Review grades in the same manner as any standard Grade Approvals Process.
  • The School will Sign Off and/or add Observations where appropriate.

Governing Board:

  • The Governing Board requesting support for this Special Programme Exam Board must ensure that all students in the modules involved are registered for the programmes included in the request. 
  • The Governing Board will liaise with the appropriate Schools to ensure that grades for all modules are entered, reviewed, and approved by a School Module Exam Committee.
  • The Governing Board will flag any Undergraduate students eligible for award as compliant for their award in Infohub before the Grade Entry deadline above, where appropriate.
  • Review the Credit Anomalies and Stage Anomalies report to highlight and amend any registration issue before grade entry for this Special Programme Exam Board.
  • The Governing Board/PEB will Sign Off and/or add Observations where appropriate.

A PEB/Governing Board requiring a Special Programme Exam Board should contact (opens in a new window)grading.support@ucd.ie who will advise on how to proceed.

We will then send you via email the Google Form to submit these requests.

Before a request is submitted, it is important to ensure the following have been considered: 

  • The request is being submitted to Grading Support, UCD Assessment ​​20 working days before the proposed Special Programme Examination Board. 
  • The Special PEB processing is not during one of the four university Grade Approvals Process (see Assessment Key Dates). 
  • The requested dates for the Special Exam Board take place ​​no later than three weeks before the relevant Conferral period.
  • The Special Exam Board request includes two working days between the SMEC and when the PEB request to begin reviewing their PEB reporting.  It is during this window that Assessment will action the grade and GPA processing for this PEB. 

Following your submission, a member of the Grading Support team will contact you to confirm the details of your submission. If you need to discuss the above timelines before submitting the form, please contact (opens in a new window)grading.support@ucd.ie .

A Governing Board should note that during the processing of Special Programme Exam Boards, Assessment must block the results by Academic Year, Programme Code, Stage and Trimester for the processing period of that Special PEB. Therefore the results for all students on the programme codes and stages will be offline for students on SISweb and staff in UView from the date of the SMEC up to the agreed date of results release.

GAP Guides and Supports

Grade Approval Process Drop-in Clinics and Information Sessions. 

The Grading Support Team provide scheduled Zoom drop-in clinics before the Autumn and Spring Grade Approvals Process Dates. Issues relating to the GAP, Grade Entry and reporting can be addressed in these sessions. 

These sessions and individual zoom links will be available through the (opens in a new window)Grading Support drop-in zoom sessions Google calendar.

Accessing support and training.

Zoom training sessions on Grading-related topics will be scheduled at key times during the year to assist with the following topics. 

  • Assessment strategy set up on CMS
  • Grade Entry options
  • School Grading Summary reports
  • Auditing ahead of the GAP

Sign-up links will be communicated through Registry Updates Workvivo and email.

If your office would like to request training on further grading topics you can request this by emailing grading.support@ucd.ie

Please also see our (opens in a new window)Guides, Videos and FAQs page.

For assistance and support email grading.support@ucd.ie

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)